Chapter 20

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Y/n's POV

All I could think of today was that dream, and that voice. Was it really my mom? Or was it just me mind playing tricks on me?. I don't know and it's frustrating me. Maybe it was just a one time thing. I'm just going to sleep and wake up feeling fresh, and new.


It's been a whole week and I still can't forget it! Uhhhhhhhh. Also, I'm still avoiding Harry. Which is not helping my case. Uh, maybe if I go to the pool and take a dip. I walked over to my drawers taking out my swimsuit and putting it under my jean shorts. I pulled up a bag from under my bed and put sunscreen, my notepad and pen, towel, a book, my phone, keys and sunglasses in it. I checked once more to see if I had everything and walked out onto the pool deck. I put on my sunscreen since it was scorching hot, and laid down on one of the sun chairs. I put on my sunglasses and just laid there. After about ten minutes of just laying, I took of my sunglasses and started reading my book. It went like that for a couple more minutes until he approached me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, bending down to my eye level. "No" I replied in a monotone tone. "Please?" He asked. "Fine!" I said shutting my book and getting all my stuff. He led me to a janitors closet and locked the door from inside. "Please, just tell me what you're thinking" he begged as he turned the light on. "You want to know what I'm thinking, okay I'll tell you" I growled dropping my bag. "I've been scared, scared that you were just playing me, scared that you'd laugh at me for liking the way we kissed. I've been tearing up inside because I know you don't like me and that's the way it's been since we met." I said, my voice hoarse.

"The minute you saw me with Uma you just had to hate me, but me being a stupid girl fell for you, I've liked you ever since we met but now I don't know. Seeing you come back to the diner with other girls tore me into pieces but to hide it I acted like I hated you. But I didn't and I don't but I'm just scared and confused and frustrated" I finished my voice cracking at the end. "There you got what you wanted" I said picking my bag up and leaving.

Harry's POV

"Wait" I whispered just high enough for me to hear. I'm so confused. She liked me all this time? How was I so oblivious to it. I stood there trying to comprehend what had just happened. I finally got enough strength to head over to my room. I entered and saw no one else in the room. I went over to my desk and took out a piece of paper.

Dear Y/n....

I knew I loved you since the minute I saw you but I was embarrassed to tell you so instead I just acted out and hated you. As we grew up you started dating Gibson I made fun of you and made you feel bad about yourself. When he broke up with you I just wanted to kill him for hurting you but, I instead started using girls as my way to forget the guy. Every night a different girl but they didn't mean anything, well they were also to make you jealous but that didn't seem to work so I just gave up. But that night that you got hurt, I was breaking because I loved you and I thought I wouldn't ever be able to tell you. But you lived and that thought went away. Every day I would think 'wow she's beautiful' and 'her eyes are really pretty' but I never thought aloud. But that kiss, that kiss did mean something to me and it made me realise just how much I need you.
I love  you y/n.


I finished the note and put it in an envelope with her name on it. I walked out of my room and headed straight for hers. I got to her door and bent down ready to slide it under, but I chickened out. I stood back up and the door opened. "What are you doing here?" Uma asked looking at me weirdly. "Just checking your door, you know, wouldn't want it to be faulty" I said hiding the envelope behind me. "Well door's fine, gotta run" I said running away in the direction of my room.


787 words

Hey guys, it is pretty late but school has got the best of me. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and see you soon on the next chapter. Love you all.

And remember eat pancakes, watch to and ask a pig to prom.


Harry Hook X reader (Discontinued.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon