Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

We're back in the ship, hooray. I just want everything that's happened to not have happened. I'm doing all these crazy things that I don't want to do. Bring the dark fairy from the 'dead', hurt Lonnie and loads more. I wonder if everyone really forgives me for what I did, I mean I nearly killed Lonnie. "Y/N!!" Uma shouted taking me out of my trance. I twisted in my bed so I would be facing her and said "what!". "Well we're going shopping in the ships mall so get dressed. And you can't refuse". Uhhhh now I have to go shopping. "Fine give me 30 minutes". She nodded her head in approval and I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I brushed my teeth, dried my hair and tied it up in a high ponytail. And put on high waisted light wash jean shorts, wine short sleeve t-shirt and a pair of superstars.

"I'm ready" I announced to Uma. I grabbed my satchel and put in my phone, wallet, headphones and key. "Okay let's goo" Uma said walking over to the door. We made it to Mal's dorm, room thingy and they joined us on our walk to the shops.

"This ship is huge" I said in astonishment. Everyone nodded their heads as we walked into the first shop. Actually it wasn't a shop more like a bakery. I ordered 2 glazed donuts, 1 eclair and chocolate milk, let's be honest I'm a pig. After we ate we went to the first shop which was a shoe shop, it was small but had everything. The girls got their shoes and I got black vans, black and grey high tops and a pair of baby pink converse wedges. We went to about 5 other shops and then we got back. I wine into my room, dropped the 6 bags I was holding and plopped on my bed. "That was horrible" I spoke into my bed, Uma clearly hearing me. "I know, now come on I just got a text and we're all gonna meet at Carlos' room." We walked over to their room and the door was open so we just walked in and again I plopped on the bed. "Hard day huh" Shawn asked and I sighed. "Well it depends, does 'hard day' mean walking all day long with 6 bags that were like 6 pounds each. Then yes it was" I answered my feet aching like hell was brought upon them.

"I'm hungry" I randomly blurt out. Everyone either said 'yeah' or 'me too' so we all headed out to the restaurant. After eating I was sure I wanted to sleep even though it was only like 6 or 7 in the evening. I excused myself from the table and headed straight for my room when I was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist and pulling me into a closet. It was dark when I felt a pair of lips crash against mine, I struggled to get the person off of me until I rounded up enough strength to push this person back. I reached my hand out quickly to look for a light switch and flicked the lights on. "Wh-who are you?" I stuttered. "The one and only Alex, son of Ariel and Prince Eric?" He said raising an eyebrow at me as far I should know him. "Why-why'd you do that?" I manage to stutter again. "Because I wanted to" he said leaning back in to kiss me again. Me being me moved to the side as he fell forwards giving me enough time to open the door and run. "SO I'LL SEE YOU LATER THEN" He shouted from the closet as I ran back to the room.

Wow that was weird.


Harry's POV

It's been a week since y/n got back and it's been so... different, I mean Lonnie barely talks with anyone of us anymore and y/n just acts differently like something happened to her but I don't know. Gil started waking up early which is pretty weird if you ask me and he wakes me up too, he's so annoying. Actually there is something else that kid Alex has been talking or at least hanging around y/n a lot and I get jealous. I know she'll never like me but I can't help it.

Y/n's POV

It's been a week since Alex kissed me and Ive been getting to know him plus it was a dare so I gave him a second chance. "Hey any plans today?" Uma asked tying up her boots. "Yeah, I'm gonna meet up with Alex. why?" I replied putting on a hoodie."no, no reason but I have noticed you've been getting close to him" she sung wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed and friendly shoved her shoulder. "Yeah yeah, whatever, bye" I said waving her off as I walked out the door. I saw Alex at thtop of the ship where only staff can go by the railing looking out at the ocean. I got up there and said a soft hello. I stood next to him looking over the horizon. I could feel him staring at me so I turned to look at him too. "What is it?" I asked smiling. He just smiled which made me smile. I liked just staring at him it was nice until he leaned in. I pushed him away harshly running off. "I'm sorry, I just can't!" I shout as I run away.

As I run I run in the direction of his room. The only one who I can always trust. I knew he'd be alone cause his roommates had gone so it was safe for me to do this. When I got to his door I knocked quickly. He opened the door. "Wha-" he was but off by my lips crashing onto his. He started to kiss back. I grabbed onto the nape of hair on his neck as he placed his hands on my hips pulling me slightly closer to him. He pulled me inside of his room shutting the door behind him and pushed me up against a wall. He grabbed onto the bottom of my thighs pulling me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we deepened the kiss. He started kissing down my neck and back up my jawline until his mouth found its way back to my mouth. I pulled back reluctantly and let myself fall back on the ground. "You're a good kisser" he said sitting on his bed. I sat down next to him and replied "you too Hook, you too".

1115 words

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. I know it took a long time but when hasn't it. Well bye.


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