Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I can't believe what we just saw. Does she hate us that bad, no it can't be. It has to be spell they put her under.
But she wouldn't have gone down without a fight, but then again Mother Gothel takes the easy way and so does Jenna. They use the stupid pan to knock anyone or anything out. Will we get her back? I don't know. I she okay? Hurt? Uhhhh Harry pull yourself together we're in a room full of people thinking the same thing, say something. But before I could say anything Jay spoke up "what are we gonna do?, I mean it looks like a curse" I nodded my head. Then a thought hit me "where are we?" I asked totally lost. "Our home" Evie answered and I remembered, my dad used to show me around the whole isle when I was a kid so he showed me where Maleficent's house was and where Jenna's and Jonah's house was. I wanted to go beat up Jonah cause I know this is his idea, well the girlfriend part. "What will we do?" Uma asked worry shown all over her face. "Well we all know mother Gothel is a copycat and wants everything everyone else has" Mal spoke and I knew where it was going. "We go to the place they hang out the most,Mother Gothel's Side of Fries. It's her diner a few yards away from Ursula's Fish and Chip" I finished for her a smirk on both our faces. Everyone agreed so we decided at around 9 we would go.


It was time so we decided who would go and who would stay. Mal, me, Uma, Evie, Shawn and Jay would go and the rest would stay. I knew where the place was by heart because do you know who gave that scar to Scar, yeah it was my dad. I led the way and when we were outside the doors Evie stopped and asked "are we sure" and then Uma replied "yes" and we all walked in. Jenna was at a table with Jonah and Y/n.

Y/n's POV

Jonah and I were playing staring wars and Jenna was the referee until Uma and her posse decided to show up. Jonah and I decided to arm wrestle and I won but I think he let me win which I thought was cute but then Jenna decided to call Uma and her friends over. They all took other people's chair and sat down around the table so I was next to Jonah and Jenna next to Jenna was Mal, then Evie, Harry, Uma, Jay and that kid I don't know ended up next to Jonah. Just so you know the table is circular so we're all looking at each other. "What do you want, I was having fun refereeing a staring contest here" Jenna whined as she gestured over to us. "It's hard to look away to those beautiful eyes" Jonah said and I thought it was so cute that I kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand. Then I death glared at everyone who wasn't on this table 5 minutes ago. That guy who I didn't know spoke up and his words just took me back "just give her back to us Jenna and we'll leave". There that was it, I threw my hands down on the table and growled "I'm not anyone's toy so I'm not going back with you even if they were willingly letting me go!". I picked my bag up and left but by the time I was at the door Jonah grabbed me by my waist and spun me around to face him. "Hey, I get it. But let's stick around to see what will happen, you can get all the food you want and the we can go make babies cry" he whispered but in a nice tone. "All the food I want?" I asked in a childish tone while he nodded. "Well okay then!" I said in a happy tone. I intertwined our finger and walked back to the table. "Do you feel like you're under any kind of spell y/n?" Jenna suddenly asked me when I had just sat down and I made a confused face "why would i be under any sort of spell?" I asked "you're the only person I know uses magic and you would never do that to me, neither would Jonah" I answered myself.

Mal's POV

It so obvious shes under a spell. Wait true loves kiss will fix it  but who does she love. Well Jonah is just a curse so not him. HER FATHER! of course why didn't I think of that before. I looked at Jenna with a smirk and then said "leave her with us for one day". She raised an eyebrow and said "who the hell do you think I am, your mother for having you? I'm not stupid Malef- oh wait I can't call you that cause your mother never thought you were good enough MAL". Ooof that hurt I have to admit but I can't back down. "If we find a way to break the curse we get to try" I said standing my ground well siting but y'all know what I mean.  "I AM NOT UNDER A CURSE FOR THE LOVE OF POTATOES!" Y/n shouted and stood up " if y'all don't think so here's the proof" she said calmly as she bragged Jonah by his shirt and pulled him up right till contact. They were making out ewwww. She pushed him off of her and sat back down. I glanced to the side and saw Harry furious. Uma had to grab him by the arm and take him out of the diner.

Harry's POV.

"Uhhhhh" I managed to get out through all the anger and punched the wall. Uma grabbed my arm before I could hit the wall again and turned me to face her. "I mean can't she see that every time she's hurt I care, of that when she needs someone to talk to I'm there. Or that I could listen to her ramble on about how Evie's talks are boring, or maybe how when someone hurts her even in the slightest I want to hurt them back. Can't she see I love her." I turned around and realised that Uma was listening all along and that I turned around while talking. " I uh didn't... Mean.. It like that...I...i....uhhh?" She gave me the I 'now you're gonna try and hide it?' Look and then said "if you love her you're gonna fight for her" and then walked inside. I kicked the barrel next to me and let out a groan of frustration then walked in. Mal had smirk on her face, so did Jay, Shawn plus Evie and Jenna, Jonah and y/n were not there. "What happened?" I asked totally lost. "Well Shawn here made y/n question whether she was actual friends with Jenna and Jonah." Mal answered pride in her tone. "And how?" Uma asked lost just like me. "He might've mentioned us and the moments of hate Harry and her might've had plus the part where he mentioned who her mother was" Evie answered. We all walked out fist bumping each other but Uma and I didn't talk to each other at all.

Y/n's POV

"What do you mean you didn't put a curse on me, I know you did!" I shouted stomping real hard. I had thrown quite a few things so now Jonah and Jenna were using chairs as shields. "Tell me the truth" I shouted and eight after threw a vase at Jenna. "NOW!" "Okay, okay. We'll tell you. We did put a curse on you, okay?!" Jenna answered still holing the chair in front of her body. "AND YOU, YOU HAVE A SICK TWISTED MIND. I KISSED YOU FOR THE LOVE OF FRIES! I HELD YOUR HAND, KISSED YOUR CHEEK, ZEUS, I WAS NICE TO YOU!" I shouted throwing my ninja stars at his chair and they ended up in an X shape. "I DON'T REMOTELY THINK I'LL EVER LIKE YOU NOR THINK OF KISSING YOU! YOU ARE COWARDS!" I said hitting their chairs with my sword until they trapped themselves in the middle of the chairs by the wall. I said a word spell that glue their feet to the ground and chairs to the wall so they couldn't get out and left with all my things. Well all in my bag.

I knew where they were and I needed to get to them.  I needed to break the spell because I can still remember hating all of them and not knowing that kids name but I know there was something else.

1469 words

Hey guys I hope you liked today's chapter. Y'all have a happy Easter, well I hope so. I don't know when I will update cause my laziness really loves me. It's like my love for fries it's always there but hopefully I will update soon. Love you all my beautiful potatoes and my chapters will see you soon. Love y'all.


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