One last time

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Running through the park with music playing a few people dotted about. Taking a deep breath in when she felt heavy, she saw something in the far corner of the park. A gut renching feeling, checking the time it said 10:42 am. She wasn't late to meet anyone.

Wiping her forehead she carried on walking forward. Her vision went blurred, her heart pounded. Watching Bobby walk towards her. Her hands shock, mouth went dry. He looked as pale as she felt, his eyes were red & his breathing was quick.

"He's gone?" Is all he could say
"No." She replied
"Baby he's gone."
"He can't be." She dropped to the floor, people looking Bobby held her arms

"Lucy please.." his voice cracked
"I need you.. Lucy... pl..ease" he lent into her as they both sobbed.

"He can't be"
"He is."


The door wasn't the same that Lucy remember, it was newer, a different colour infact. The window flower boxes were full of bloom. Sunflowers lined the fence, birds flying from tree to tree, bush to bush... singing their song as they went by.. sound of neighbours cutting grass.. taking a deep breath in body placed his hand on hers.

Knock knock

"Lucy." My mother stood shocked and she gasped
"Hi Mum." She cleared her throat
"I'm sorry about Dan.. we were going to come to the funeral but we didn't want to upset you"
"He's gone mum" she sobbed
"Oh darling" her mother's arms stepped around Lucy tightly as she hushed her like a crying baby, softly stroking her hair with the odd pat, her mother saw Bobby standing by his car

"Bobby darling come.." she cAlled as she waved him over. Took his hand while holding her daughter.

"Come inside.. come on darling... Jim... Lucy and Bobby are here.."

The door closed behind them.the hallway was the same, Brown and cream retro style floor tiles, which really could do with a bit of a scrub!

"What did you say.." her dad round the lounge door with his glasses resting on his nose

"Jim darling let's go into the lounge.." pushing by him as they sat down in silence..

"Jim come help me" she took him into the kitchen, even though the kettle was on their voices could be heard still.

"I can't do this" Lucy told Bobby
"You can and we are here now.."
"Easy got you to say.."
"No it's not.. life is short yeah.... I'm sorry babe"
Her lips trembled and her eyes filled with tears,
He rested his chin on her head before kissing her head.

"Here you go.." Mum appear holding glasses filled with freshly squeezed orange juice & ice

"Thank you.." both replying at same time

"So... Mum and dad okay? I did send flowers"
"Yes thank you.. they said thank you.. really nice of you." Bobby said as he rested his arm behind her

"Oh good.. I wasn't sure.."

"They were lovely mum" she agreed

Dad sat in silence the whole time, the odd glance over top of his glasses..

"We have really missed you"
"I'm sorry Mum"
"Don't be it's fine.."
"I am sorry... life can changed, it's manic and..."
"Work?" Dad sharply asked
"It's good busy."
"What are you doing now anyway?" His tone was disapproval as ever
"Well I was on tour but I miss home"
He grunted to which Booby jumped in to defend

"Actually work is brilliant and she's owing at my gym.."
"Gym Bobby?" Mum asked
"Yeah.. doing all my admin stuff.. I'm rubbish at it.."
"Hmmm" Jim replied before saying
"Your happy?"
"With Bobby?" She asked
"Yes!" His tone was patronising
"Of course I am.."
"That's all what matters" he turned back to the newspaper

"Sir.. you might not agree clearly but we are really happy together.. i couldn't be a part.. she is amazing and is the best thing to happen to me."

"Really. So if you have nice to say please don't say it.." Bobby was stern as he stood up
"Babe come on let's go.." hold his hand to her she swiftly took hold

"And sir might I add that as much as you clearly don't agree with us, I will marry your daughter one day.. you don't realise just how amazing she is... I told her earlier that life is short... but to you sir she is your daughter and you don't realise what your missing out on.. come on.... I told her just one last time come see you both... maybe that was the wrong advise... Ready." He nodded and flicked his keys in his fingers

"Dad.. you might not like my life choices or being with Bobby.. that's fine... but why can't you just be my dad... be there and tell me everything is going in be okay... we have lost Dan.. my best friend yet or your doing is judging.. that's fine judge away.. bye Mum" she hugged her mother tight before leaving

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