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"Morning beautiful." Whispered as he brushed a loose strands away from her face.
"What's the time?" She mumbled
"Really... god said I would meet Dan for breakfast at 10!"
"We can.." He plonked a kiss on her forehead.

Shortly being greeted by the rest of the family and friends the chatter was all about yesterday.

"Barbra where's dan and Sophia?" Leaning over quietly
"Oh.. i don't know.." Sophia's mother quietly replied
"Something is wrong." Turning back to Bobby who was ready to stuff his face with breakfast
"Look they just got married they will still be in bed!! Get my drift" he laughed it off

"No something is wrong" standing up
"Babe leave them"
"I can't.. " dismissing him she left knowing full well Chloe was making her way round to Lucy's seat!

At the lift there stood Sophia with her bags

"Sophia.. morning"
"Oh morning" she didn't lift her sun glasses off
"Going already?"
"Yeah.." she turned back to the reception desk
"Wheres dan?" Sophia ignored her question and she asked again
"Sophia where is dan... no don't ignore me?" Lucy stood in her way
"He left last night. Excuse me"
"Last night.. what why?"
"Go ask him." She pushed her way out the hotel.

Instantly calling dan it went to voicemail.

"Hey umm can we go?" Hoovering over bobbys shoulder
"Now?" He asked but noticing her tensed expression

"Yeah please.. "
"Okay but why?"
"I'll tell you later.." hurried off with Bobby in tow

"What's going on?"
"I just saw Sophia and she said thAt dan left last night.. she's gone now too"
"Bobby it was their wedding night.."
"Have you called him?"
"I tired..."

"Yo bro where you at... call me." Bobby called over the hands free that went straight to voicemail

"Something ain't right.."
"Okay Where can he be?"
"Work, home.... blooms... go to blooms?"
"Blooms farm?"
"Yeah yeah remember as kids we used to hang out at that massive oak tree!"
"You think he will be there?"
"Yeah please?"

:hey dan it's me.. call me yeah?: she left another voicemail

"Baby I ain't getting down that track.." looking down toward the dirt track that was getting narrower and narrower

"Okay drop me here.." she ran the rest of the way to the blooms farm..

Sitting there for a few moments watching her run up out of sight. Pulling up around the corner to park up he came face to face with a old friend.

"Yeah... James how are you mate?" Greeting him with a hand shake
"Very nice car.. what are you up to to be affording one of these?"
"Personal trainer mate... life is good.. you?"
"Yeah good.. we have just had a baby.. "
"No way.. congrats"
"Thanks she's perfect and louise is just amazing."
"Aww mate that's amazing.. so are you still live here?"
"No we just visiting my parents.. we only in the next village but still good to come back.. you?"
"Yeah still around.. life's good here.. my brother got hitched yesterday so only just slightly hanging today!"

James laughed before asking

"Your Chloe and my louise step cousin!"
"Chloe? No mate I'm not with her.. I was but not now.. I'm with her.." flashing his phone towards him

"Lucy Reynolds?"
"You know her?"
"Yeah I remember having the biggest crush on her at school" laughing
"I'll tell her.. I was with Chloe but not now."
"Oh.. how long you been with Lucy?"
"Not long but feels amazing"
"She's the one ain't she? I remember that feeling meeting louise"
"Maybe she is but there is an issue!"
"She's my brothers best friend and all in all he over ranks me!"
"Right yeah that's awkward.."
"Tell me about it"
"Depends how much you want Lucy and then it won't be a issue anymore! Look bud give me your number I could do with some gym advice!"
"Sure call me.." passing a contact card He headed back towards where he dropped Lucy off!

In a distance was two shadows sat in the tree, legs dangling like children. The quietness across the fields, the only sound was his trainers touching the gravel floor that led up towards the tree.

A stolen kiss between a best friend & brother Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz