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"Who's Bobby with?" Staring at them through the glass wall.

"His ex girlfriend!... bimbo is all I have to say..." with a disapproval tone

"I thought he was single?!"

"Yeah been single and loving it! Typical lad.. what you going to order......... hey earth to Lucy! what you going to order?" Braking her from staring at Bobby who was gingerly looking back!

"Bit awkward no?" Lucy asked

"Not really! He just after a one nighter!"

"Don't say that dan that is wrong." Dan wasn't bothered and his head was in the menu

"Hi I'm your waiter tonight what can I get you both?" A young boy asked as he stood with his arms behind his back

"Could I have the steak please."
"How would you prefer that to be done?"
"Medium please"
"Okay, would you like chips and the sauce sir?"
"Madam what can i get you ?"
"Umm.. sorry... umm.... can I have the spinach and ricotta with pasta?"
"Of course.. drinks?"
"Corona Lucy?"
"Vodka and orange please"
"Thank you guys." He left

"What?" Lucy asked at Dans stare
"You've changed."
"No I haven't.."
"Vodka.." he joked
"Tastes change.." taking a sneaky glance over her shoulder
"What's up?" He asked
"Nothing.. Sophia said she wants me to teach her and her mates a dance for the wedding!!"
"Yeah she said to be about it... said you would do it."
"I can but seriously do people do that now?"
"Clearly... have you been home yet?"
"Home? No but they know I am back."
"For good?"
"Guess so depends."
"Why didn't you tell me you got married?"
"Wasn't anything to tell seriously! It was a mistake.. we were stupid and might I say drunk"
"Right but you couldn't fix it?"
"No.. anyway he's staying on tour and well I can't... I don't want to"
"I'm tired and old might I add"
"Old.. haha what ever... "
"Change the subject.. wedding isn't long away"
"No I know.. I'm lucky man.."
"So is she though.. excuse me for a min need the loo.." Lucy disappeared off across the room to the ladies toilets.

Gold framed pictures, taps and mirrors. Luxurious sinks, toilets and rich bold colours hugged the walls! In walked Chloe, talk about false!

"Hi" she smiled as Lucy washed her hands.

Pulling the door open to find Bobby leaning up against the wall. His playful grin

"Escorting her to the toilets now?" His shirt was tight
"Was waiting for you actually"
"Me.. why?"
"Because I wanted to see you.."
"She seems nice? Dan said she's your ex?"
"Yeah that's right she is.. nice time so far?" Giving that child like grin

"I better go back.."
"Why was you looking over?"
"I wasn't.. well I was but I.." stuttering
"If you fancy me that's fine hun"
"Pahahaha fancy.. you in your dreams.." Pointing, his hand pulled Lucy into his space. Their faces nearly touching, hearts beating fast. With every second there were a thousand thoughts!

"I need to go back.. dan will be wondering" her words were spoken slowly and his eyes locked with hers.

"Yeah you should go back!" He agreed but didn't let her go.

"She will be out in a minuet.." slowly speaking

"I know.." plonking a kiss on her cheek, his grip released and Lucy walked back to the table. Heart beating, clammy hands, flushed cheeks.

"Abit flushed Lucy" dan joked
"It's warm no.." she tried to blame the warmth
"Not really..."
"Umm what song am I singing then?"
"What ever you like."
"Not helpful. Considering you have forced me into it.."
"Hardly forced... look Sophia doesn't think you like her!"
"I don't know her."
"Be nice, play nice." Raising bus eyebrows
"Shut up I am always nice."

During the evening there were a glances but nothing more!

"They are perfect for each other you know." Dan nodded to them as they were holding hands walking out
"Are they?"
"Yeah both got massive egos"

Taking a last glance over Bobby caught her to which he realised from Chloe's hand & opened the door

A stolen kiss between a best friend & brother Where stories live. Discover now