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"Why do I feel so nervous?" Sophia was finishing off her make up in the mirror

"Maybe because in couple days we will be married." Approach from behind & kissed her neck

"Maybe that could be it." She smiled sweetly

"Ready to get going? We going to be late to our own party" Staring back was his reflection

"I hope Lucy likes me"

"Is that why you nervous? Don't be she's lovely"

Shrugging her shoulders I watched her study herself one more time in the mirror, flattening any wrinkles on her dress

"It's going to be fine.. I'll meet you in car."

Giving her a couple moments to herself! As pretty as a magazine photographer. Her silhouette Infront of the mirror, the white gloss floor to ceiling wardrobes shone, the luxurious white faux fur rug sat beneath her feet, the mixed of cushions sat perfectly on the king size bed.


"Darling where's Lucy" my mum asked

"She will be here soon"

"Bring her straight over to me won't you!" Pointing her finger as a demand

"Sure" rolling my eyes

"I saw that.." Mum said as she walked away

"Just got told off did you huh? Hi you must be Sophia I'm Lucy" Lucy appeared and held her hand out to introduce herself, Sophia seemed to lean back, looked down to Her hand and smiled before shaking her hand. Lucy had that playful smile

"Hi nice to finally meet you. Heard so much"

"All good I hope" Lucy playfully nudged me

"Of course." Defending himself

"This place is stunning.. & you scrub up well dan... Sophia you've done good sorting his dress sense out! I should go see your parents aye.. lovely to meet you" Lucy spoke but her words seemed empty really and she was gone.

"So that's Lucy. She's stunning don't you think" Sophia seemed annoyed some what, my gaze fell back to Sophia before being able to speak

"Huh? What. I guess.. she's certainly made an effort tonight. She... she don't dress up like that normally.. but your even more stunning"

plonking a kiss on Sophia. Laughter erupted from where Lucy was standing with my family.


Sophia was talking to a few girls and I knew I had to go talk to her. Feet felt heavy never mind killing from these 6" heels. Their laughter was genuine:

"Hello stranger. Looking good" bobby appeared looking smart and pristeen

"Why hello you.. " relieve to have been stopped

"Good night huh?"

"Yeah.. I'm just plucking up courage to go talk to Sophia!"

"Oh and I've interrupted your flow"

"Kinda." Looking towards her she was so pretty and I knew why Dan loves her. Naturally pretty, silky hair, flawless olive colour skin, Not too tall or short probably the perfect height! She's got the most perfect genes no doubt which equals beautiful children.

"You should go talk to her, she's great.. I'll be about if you need to be saved"

"Save me?..."



"Always" he smiled

"I'm going in..." getting closer & Sophia noticed and she looked uncomfortable

"Hey." I happily spoke to which I just got started at

"Ladies this is Lucy.. Dans best friend" to there expressions changed and they spoke before swiftly leaving

"Hi.. we will leave you guys"

"Awesome night." I tried to make conversation

"Thank you.. can't believe I get to marry him"
Her smile was big and beautiful her eyes twinkled looking at him

"I can't believe my best bud has grown up..."

"He worries about you a lot"

"No need. He always thought he looked after me but really we both know it was the other way round." She laughed and it was infectious, her smile twitched at the side maybe she isn't going to be as bad as thought!

"Oh yes I know exactly what you mean... it's an ego thing." She said with an agreeing tone

"He has a big ego! Always have!" within that moment she seemed relaxed

"Did dan ask you to sing?"

"Yes. But he was vague"

"Do you mind?"

"No it's fine. Don't know why he wants me to sing for. I'm shit"

"That's not what I've heard.."

"Well agree to disagree. Did you know what I am to sing?"

"Up to you."

"Really? I'm sure you can find someone else!"

"Sure... we want you! Dan wants you!"

"Well if you want me to sing something please say"

"No it's fine." She seemed stand of ish with me all a sudden

"How are my two fav girls" dan wrapped his arms around her. She lifted her head into him. As we both said nothing and Lucy swiftly excused herself!


"Everything okay?" His worried tone

"Yeah we were just talking."

"You seen upset baby?"

"No no im fine.."

"You do know I love you don't you?"

"I know.. can we go dance?"

"Come on then.." plonking a kiss on her head we joined the dance floor! Sophia couldn't have got any closer into Dans body.

"Lucy.. she's nice" she softly spoke

"Once you know her yeah"

"Should I be worried?"

"Worried? What you mean?"

"You two"

"No don't be daft!! I love you so much! She's my best friend"

"I know I just needed to ask"

"Don't worry. She's my bud.."

A stolen kiss between a best friend & brother Where stories live. Discover now