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druming fingers along the desk in walked my receptionist Sally. Shes such a sweet lady, never moans if i ask her to do something for me thats not in the job spec.

"just going to water the plants before i leave"

"no problem.. cant believe its that time already sally on a thursday evening"

"i know.. this week has gone quick." watched her move across my office with ease

"sally can i ask you something"

"ill answer it if i can sir"

"okay... youve been married a long time havent you"

"oh yes about 30 years.." she smiled

"i thought so... is it wrong that im mad at my best friend for not tellig me she got married.."

"thats a tricky one... queston is why didnt she tell you"

"i dont know.. we had massive arguement at weekend and we havent spoken since.. shes been away for 2 years"

"thats a long time to be away.. time does change people."

"i know but she never told me"

"is she happy" sally didn't look up just carried on

"no thats why she came home! she seems to dislike sophia even though she hasn't met her yet"

"well maybe shes feeling bit left out.. your her best friend. maybe she needs her best friend to support her"

"left out?"

"shes losing her best friend isnt she to another women.. men who have girls as best friends the situation is alwasy tricky"

"i dont understand.. she could have any man she wanted"

"have you been best friends for many years?" watched her flick a duster that she got out of her pocket

"since we were 6 roughly.."

"as kids we all make stupid promises dont we.. maybe shes not forgotten the promises sir.. its a girl thing" she nodded with understanding

"promises" questioning her again

"personally.. go talk to her. take her out for dinner. talk, listen to her. dont judge her. clearly something is wrong and you need to remind her your her best friend who always has her back. who helped her swing trees, cross the road. jump rivers. remind her your still that person.. right i should go.. see you tomorrow"

"night sally" she left swiftly

*hi.. okay dinner tonight you and me. no options.. ill pick you up at 6pm. no arguements we need to talk. Dan*

"hey baby... yeah look i wont be home for dinner... no not working late.. i need to see Lucy its widning me up............ i know i need to talk to her and sort this out.... i know.. okay look i wont be late. okay baby love you too ..bye bye"

*im out with at gym. Lucy*

*tough go home get changed and be ready for 6pm Lucy. im not messing around. your best friend!!!!*

not to recieve a reply i hoped she would be there.


flashed my lights and dropped her a text, she soon appeared, her expression was sad and anxious

"hey" i awkwardly said instantly to her.

"hey" closed the door she sat with her arms folded, the smell of her perfume filled his lungs

"booked a table at the brooke end." she just stared out the window, silence filled the car and i just wanted to shout at her. blow up in her face to get a reaction from her.

the brooke end was a little local bestro place. not really busy but busy enough. everything matched from the candles to the table cloths to the pictures. this was where i meet soph of all places.

We took that table that sat in the corner,

"drink" i offered as the young girl approched us

"hi im your waitress for the evening. is there any drinks i can get you or shall i come back?"

"no thats fine.. can i have a corona please.. Lucy?"

"vodka and orange please no ice"

"no problem here are your menus ill be back with your drinks" she left us

"Vodka and orange now?" questioned her

"yep.." she stared at me

"Lucy... look... your my best friend yeah and we will always be just that.. talk to me.. tell why the change?"

"we both have changed Dan not just me"

"stop being so defensive.. talk to me"

"and tell you what dan what do you want to know"

"why didnt you tell me? you got married and no one knows. you seem different. look different"

"time changes people dan. we have just been apart too long" her phone lit up with a message and she turned it over

"read it if its important"

"its not"

"im here, im listening. talk to me" leaving across the table

"i fell in love. i married him. things happened i knew i made a mistake, i came home early for your wedding what to explain. i have told him i want an divorce."

"will he give you it"

"said he will."

"how you meet him on tour"

"yeah. we got paired to dance together. it just happended. got closer and closer."

*here you go. Are you guys ready to order* the young girl handed us our drinks

"sorry no can you give us bit longer" she soon left and We studied the menu

"have i done something"

"no why would you think that"

"well.." pausing

"i think im going to have pasta" she cut me off


"what you having"

"umm.. steak.. " she got the waitress attension

"ready to order.. pasta for me please.. Dan"

"yes can i have steak, medium reare"

she left us again

"your asking me about being married but your marrying someone i havent even met yet. youve asked me to hold the rings and to sing yet i dont even know her"

"her.. sophia you mean.. youve been away for 2 years and not been home"

"there are things that fly that are called planes dan you could have come seen me"

"how your were on tour"

"not always."

"well you could have come home too."

"tit for tat i see"

"no it isnt.. im worried about you.. my best friend has gone somewhere"

"no i havent dan thats the thing.. ive changed maybe...friends grew apart"

"we havent grown apart.. you are shutting off from me.. i miss you"

"you cant miss me you havent seen me in 2 years"

"god sake your so bloody stubborn as always. im asking you to talk to me and all your doing is being a smart mouth" to which i saw her trying not to laugh.

A stolen kiss between a best friend & brother Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora