Meanwhile, the trio of Slytherin fifth years were down in their common room, debating on whether or not they should leave the dungeons tonight.

"I stand by my no," Josh said, leaning back in the armchair with his arms folded across his chest, "I don't care about whatever bullshit promise Farrah made to Dorcas, going to that party will just make us easy pickings for Reggie's moron brother and his band of baboons."

Farrah rolled her eyes, "You're the moron if you think they'll be doing anything tonight. They're doing their big Halloween prank before the feast on Sunday so everyone will see it."

"Remus tell you that?" Regulus asked, his grey eyes focused on the girl.

The hazel-eyed girl nodded, "And he also mentioned that Sirius is planning the whole thing himself so he has no clue what it is. I, however, can narrow it down to three possibilities based on things from the journal."

"You're still reading that?" Josh asked.

Farrah replied with another nod. What she hadn't told her best friends was that she had finished the journal on the first night she had gotten it and had been rereading it ever since. She was mesmerized by the way that Sirius' mind worked and she spent most of the past three weeks looking at the pranks he had created, potions and spells he had mastered and the hidden passages in the castle he had found. 

"I've been busy with school work so I haven't gotten around to finishing it," she said nonchalantly, readjusting the high ponytail her hair was in before she continued, "But the point is, we're safe tonight so I think we should head out for a craic."

She focused her gaze on Regulus, "Well, Reggie. The choice is yours."

Josh leaned forward, "Yeah Reg, decision is yours. Do we enjoy a nice and comfortable night in or do we suffer and make ourselves go out into the unknown of that party?"

The Black boy's gaze shifted between his two best friends, Josh who was staring at him hardly while Farrah's mouth was shaped into a small pout. Regulus looked up to the ceiling of the common room and groaned, "We're going to the party."

"Whoo!" Farrah exclaimed while Josh sighed in exasperation. 

The girl stood up with a bright smile, "I'll go get my party dress. Meet you boys here at 10."

*        *        * 

At exactly 10:37 p.m. (Josh refused to get ready but Farrah reminded him who was helping him with his Transfiguration assignment and he got ready in record time), the Slytherin trio were entering the Hufflepuff common room after Farrah knocked the password to let them in.

(Just one of the many perks of being on good terms with everyone.)

The yellow and black room was decorated for the occasion with orange streamers hanging from the ceiling and Jack O' Lanterns with faces that moved lining the walls. There was music coming from a corner of the room and people were scattered all over, some dancing to the upbeat tune while others bopped their heads as they talked to their friends.

"Farrah!" Marlene called out, her platinum blonde curls bouncing as she approached the girl and threw her arms around her in a hug, "I was wondering when you would get here."

"I would've been here earlier," Farrah explained as the two girls pulled away from each other, "But Mr. Turtle over here could not decide on whether he should wear his black t-shirt or his black t-shirt."

Marlene laughed (an indication that the girl was already a few drinks past tipsy as what Farrah said was not that funny) before she pointed in the direction she had come from, "Well, drinks are over there. Have fun."

Farrah thanked the girl and watched as she stumbled away before turning to the boys, "Okay boys, we didn't come out here to look like a band of muppets. Let's get y'all fluthered!" 

The three friends walked across the common room together to the drinks table that Marlene had pointed them to. Farrah picked up a cup and sniffed it, pegging it as vodka due to its lack of scent. The girl took a small sip and realized she was right, mentally clapping herself on the back.

Taking another sip from the cup, Farrah turned to the boys, "Pick your poison, lads! Let's do this!"

Two hours later, Farrah was barely feeling the buzz of the alcohol while Regulus and Josh were completely intoxicated. The girl was sitting on a couch near the fireplace, watching her best friends in amusement as they sang the wrong lyrics to songs while jumping up and down as if they were in a disco. 

"Who invited the snakes?" a voice said loudly, cutting off Regulus and Josh's version of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Sirius Black, decked out in a full black ensemble, stepped into the little space people had cleared for the two Slytherins' performance. He focused his eyes on Regulus, "You just don't know where you're not wanted, eh?"

Regulus opened his mouth to respond but Josh cut him off, "That's funny, I was about to say the exact same thing about you."

Sirius turned his stare from Regulus to Josh, "Was anyone speaking to you?"

"No one ever is," Josh answered, his words slurred, "But somehow, I always end up talking."

"Want me to show you how to shut up?"

"Actually, hold that thought."

Farrah hadn't heard the exchange that was happening but the next thing the girl knew, Josh was bent over, emptying the contents of his stomach onto Sirius' shoes. The Irish girl froze, her seventh cup for the night almost slipping from her grip, as she watched the scene unfold. Farrah only unfroze when she saw Sirius grab Josh by his shirt.

"Okay, okay," the girl said as she approached them, careful not to step in Josh's vomit. She put her hand over Sirius' and unfolded the fist holding Josh's t-shirt, "Let's not get physssssical. I'm sure we can sssssort this out."

She met eyes with Remus who was a little behind Sirius and with one look, he was next to the older Black boy with an arm around his shoulders.

"What seems to be the problem her- oh, that's the problem..." Remus trailed off as he saw Sirius' shoes. The werewolf shrugged and pulled out his wand, "Nothing a little spell can't fix. Scourgify!"

In the blink of an eye, the vomit was all gone and Remus put his wand away, a smug look on his face.

Farrah smiled, "See, problem solved. Your shoes are clean and we can go back to our common room."

Looping arms with Regulus and Josh, Farrah handed her cup to Remus, "Have a good time for me. I've got to get these two to bed."

Remus nodded and watched as the three Slytherins left the party, the crowd making a way for them as they passed. Sirius stared at them too, up until the common room door closed behind them, before he asked Remus, "What just happened?"

Taking a sip from the cup, Remus answered, "You just got Farrah'd out of a fight. Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

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