Chapter 19

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The first thing they were met with was Thomas. He had been slightly panicking, and turned to the group. There was a flicker of relief before his eyes landed on Virgil. He felt a pang of sadness and anger, and he backed away a little. Virgil stared back, regretting yet another thing in his life.
"Y-you...what are you doing here?" Virgil blinked, momentarily speechless. Roman realized the reason of Thomas' change in mood and put a hand on his shoulder.
"He's not here to harm anyone. He's going to be living here now" Thomas brushed Roman's hand off and glanced at the dark-clothed man in front of him, disbelief in his eyes.
"Are you serious? He destroyed my entire kingdom along with countless others, how can you just trust him like that?!" Virgil stared at him, taking a shaky breath and looking down.
"I...I've changed. I abandoned my kingdom and freed everyone. These six are from here. I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you..." Thomas blinked and sighed, walking up to him.
"You really quit your rule?" Virgil nodded, looking up at him. Thomas thought for a second, looking over Virgil as he considered his options. He finally nodded, stepping back again.
"Alright. I suppose I can tolerate you. I'm just glad you didn't kill all of my subjects" Virgil's eyes widened a bit.
"Wait, I didn't? You still rule them?" Thomas shrugged, a little surprised at the other's concern.
"I mostly rule them, though Roman controls the major stuff. I have power over a part of the kingdom as long as I follow Roman's laws and things" Virgil smiled a little, relieved that he hadn't entirely destroyed it. Roman turned to Logan, glancing at the six people.
"Logan, make sure they are escorted to their families, please. If they need help or can't find them, see me" Logan nodded, turning to the others. They nodded back, and he lead them through the village. Thomas gently tugged on Roman's shoulder, pulling him close and whispering something in his ear. The prince nodded and turned to the other two, thinking of what to do.
"Um...Patton, do you remember where the guest rooms are?" Patton nodded, unsure where he was going with this and wondering what Thomas had said.
"Perfect, can you take Virgil to them and help him get situated?" Virgil glanced at Patton, who smiled and took his hand, walking to the bedrooms. Virgil gasped at the contact, but followed, tugging on his book bag strap nervously. They reached a hallway with multiple doors, and Patton stared at them, thinking intensely. The doors looked exactly the same, so Virgi was confused as to why Patton didn't just pick a random one. Suddenly, the smaller man opened a middle door, pulling Virgil into it as well. He gasped and scanned the room, finding it perfect. The walls were plain white, and all the furniture was bland and basic, but there was something about it that stuck with him. Patton noticed his liking to it, smiling proudly.
"Do you like it?" Virgil nodded, setting his bookbag down. He sat on the uncovered bed, running his hand across the soft material. He laid down on it, and Patton giggled, laying beside him.
"I love it. Why did you stare at the doors for so long?" Patton turned to him, shrugging.
"I had to find which one you would like the best. I see that worked out" Virgil smiled and stared up at the ceiling. He began thinking, getting lost in thought for a second. He sat up, and Patton stared at him in confusion before sitting up as well.
"Patton?" He looked up at the glasses-wearing man, who stared back. Virgil took a breath and bit his lip nervously.
"What...what am I going to do?" Patton put a hand on his shoulder, confused and worried at his tone.
"What do you mean?" Virgil sputtered, trying to find the right words.
"I've abandoned my rule and now I'm here. What am I going to do? I've done so many terrible things, and I don't know how to undo them. Thomas hates me, even if he says he doesn't" Patton rubbed his back, and Virgil leaned onto him, resting his head on Patton's shoulder.
"You can do what you want. Thomas won't be mad forever. I know you've done bad things, but you've done so much to fix them. I'm not sure what you'll choose to do, but for now, you can just be here" He hugged Virgil tighter, and the ex-prince sighed in content, nuzzling into the cardigan-clad clod.
"Virgil...why did you make your kingdom so dark?" Virgil looked up at Patton, turning a little paler and hesitating.
"Um...b-because..." He sighed and gulped.
"I became the prince because my parents were killed. I wanted revenge, and so to cope with it, I made others suffer. It made me feel better, and I thought that if enough people suffered, they brought back. I was so young, and I didn't understand that they wouldn't come back" Patton's eyes widened a bit and he rubbed Virgil's back.
"I'm so sorry...I can see why you thought that" Virgil nodded and bit his lip, thinking of something. He sat up and walked over to the bookbag on the floor. Patton stared at him in confusion as Virgil pulled out a small, black stuffed cat. He sat beside Patton, handing him the toy.
"What's this for?" Virgil stared at it, glancing up at the smaller man beside him.
"It's a cat. I've had it forever, but I thought you'd like it, so I brought it with me" Patton smiled and held the stuffed cat, hugging Virgil again.
"Thank you! Have you named it?" Virgil shook his head, hugging back.
"Nope. You can if you'd like" Patton thought for a second, scanning it before smiling.
"How about Pascal?" Virgil sighed, but nodded.
"Sounds nice. And I get the Disney reference" Patton nodded cheerfully, hugging the cat tight. A knock on the door interrupted them, and Patton stood up to answer.
"Hi Roman, hi Thomas!" They smiled, and Thomas waved.
"I see you two have gotten acquainted in here" Virgil shrugged, and Patton nodded. Thomas thought for a second before realizing something. He stared at Patton, thinking he might know where the missing person was.
"Hey Patt, can I ask you something please?" Patton hesitantly nodded, standing up and leaving the room. Roman went in, sitting beside Virgil. Outside the room, Patton stood in confusion with a hint of worry.
"So what's your question?" Thomas glanced around just to be sure his question wasn't going to seem stupid.
"Um...where's Eliza?" Patton froze, the memories flooding back to him. He had tried to suppress the thoughts, but they returned and tears began rimming his eyes. Thomas took notice of this, and instantly felt bad. He put two and two together as Patton broke down into sobs. He pulled Patton into a hug, petting his hair softly.
"Shh, don't cry. I'm sorry for asking. It'll be okay" Patton squeezed the red-shirt wearing man, tears pouring down his face. Thomas picked him up gently, surprised at how light he was, and set him down on the bed of his room. He rubbed the smaller man's back, feeling him begin to shake.
"Patton, don't be upset. You'll be okay, I know it. Just stay calm" Patton nodded, taking deep breaths in between sobs. He relaxed a little, but still shook slightly. Thomas rocked him back and forth, holding onto him tight. Patton took a shaky breath and wiped his tears, looking up at Thomas.
"Sh-she...she..." Thomas shushed him and pet his hair once more.
"I know. I'm sorry...I know you two were good friends" Patton nodded, leaning against Thomas' shoulder.
"Yeah...I'm sorry for getting so upset" Thomas shook his head and wiped away the newest tears on his face.
"Don't apologize. I shouldn't have asked. Do you want to go back?" Patton sat up and sniffed before nodding and standing up. Thomas followed, and they stopped when they heard voices in Virgil's room.
Virgil watched as Patton and Thomas left and turned to Roman, who had sat next to him. The prince put his arm out for Virgil to take, smiling and hugging him when he accepted it. Virgil sighed and closed his eyes, nuzzling into Roman's arm. He purred quietly as Roman began petting him, then flushed a deep red and sat up when he realized the sound he had been making. Roman let him move, keeping an arm around him.
"How are you feeling, Virge?" Virgil blushed deeper at the nickname and shrugged.
"Fine I guess..." Roman frowned a little and rubbed the darker one's back, causing him to turn even redder. He looked down and curled up to hide the blush. Roman saw this as him being upset and grew worried.
"Virgil? What's wrong?" Virgil shook his head, and Roman frowned, pulling him closer.
"Please tell me what is bothering you" Virgil sighed, an idea tugging at his mind. His anxiety made him hesitant, but he couldn't help wanting to. Finally, he uncurled himself and grabbed Roman by the sash, kissing him passionately. Roman squeaked and jumped at the sudden act, but melted and kissed back, wrapping an arm around Virgil's neck. A squeal from the door interrupted them, and they pulled away to find Patton, Thomas, and Logan watching them from the door. Patton had been the source of the squeal, and was now bouncing happily, watching the two. They both had blood red blush, and Virgil grabbed a pillow, throwing it at the three. Patton dodged it before it hit him, and it instead hit Logan in the face. Thomas snorted and watched the entire thing, staying out of the pillow attack that now occured. Roman had curled up, similarly to Virgil, and used the blanked as a shield.
"Okay, okay, don't kill each other" The four stopped as Thomas walked into the room. They nodded and set down their 'weapons'. Roman stared at Virgil, surprise and awe in his eyes.
"S-so...I'm guessing you like me?" Virgil nodded, gasping as Roman pulled him into a hug and planted a light kiss on his lips.
"I do too"

The Dark and the DisneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora