Chapter 16

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 All was chaos in the Kingdom of Disney. The entire kingdom had been searched, to no avail. Eliza had been temporarily made Head Soldier, and lead Roman's guards to check the ground outside of the kingdom. Prince Thomas approached Roman, worry and dejection on his face.

"I have had my area searched, Prince Roman. He is nowhere to be seen" Roman felt tears prick his eyes as his heart dropped. He was devastated. This had all been his fault. He shouldn't have said anything, and now Patton was gone. Thomas put a hand on the prince's shoulder and brushed the purple hair out of Roman's face.

"Don't cry, it'll be okay. We'll find him" Roman nodded, wiping his tears.

"I just feel guilty. I made him leave and I feel terrible" Thomas nodded, sitting Roman down on the bed.

"I know you feel bad, but it wasn't your fault. You didn't mean to upset him. The good thing is, you're looking for him. That means you care. I know he'll forgive you, and you will find him" Roman sniffed, nodding and hugging the ex-prince.

"Thank you, Thomas. Now, onto searching!" Thomas frowned, pushing Roman back down on the bed.

"You've been looking for a while now, I think you should rest" Roman stared at him, flabbergasted.

"You mean, stop looking for Patton?! No, I shall look for him until he is found" Thomas sighed, knowing he would refuse.

"Come on, you're exhausted. You have darker circles under your eyes than the Prince of Darkness" Roman gasped, putting a hand on Thomas' mouth.

"Do not speak of him. I do not, for any reason, compare to him in any way" Thomas rolled his eyes, taking Roman's hand off him.

"Okay, fine. But seriously, you need rest. Please?" Roman shook his head, avoiding Thomas' begging gaze. He finally sighed, leaning against Thomas' shoulder.

"I just miss him. He was only back for a short time, and I missed him for a year, Thomas. A year!" Thomas nodded, wrapping an arm around him. Roman closed his eyes, his exhaustion catching up to him in waves. He finally drifted off, and Thomas laid him down, leaving the room. He was suddenly met with a dagger aimed right at his neck, wielded by a female guard.

"Who the hell are you, and why were you in the princes' room?!" Thomas held his hands up in defense, suddenly filled with fear.

"I'm Prince Thomas, Roman's friend. I was checking on him. Who exactly are you?" Her eyes widened and she instantly sheathed her dagger and knelt.

"I am Eliza, your highness. I apologize for almost attacking you" Thomas nodded, motioning for her to stand up.

"You are forgiven. It's nice to meet you. Is there any news on Patton?" Eliza shook her head, looking down.

"We have found no other evidence of his disappearance" Thomas bit his lip, nodding. Eliza returned to her leading, and Thomas ordered his guards to continue their search. It remained like this for a while, the guards finding nothing. Until one lone guard went further than the others and found Patton's fingerprints on a tower in the Kingdom of Darkness. Roman had been up for a while, when the guard burst into the room, making Roman jump.

"Prince Roman, I have found evidence as to where Patton is!" Roman turned to them, and almost delirious look in his eyes

"Really?! Where?! What is it?!" The guard tensed up, a little scared at the prince's desperation.

"Um...I found his the Kingdom of Darkness..." Roman paused, shaking his head.

", no, no, you didn't...he isn't there" The guard nodded, and Roman bit back tears.

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