Chapter 13

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 Patton had woken up in the middle of the night crying. He wiped away his tears and tried to calm down. He had been dreaming of Virgil. He partly hated himself for caring so much, but of course he did, he cared about everyone. He tried to muffle his sobs with the blanket, but Roman heard him anyway. He sat up and held Patton, rubbing circles into his back.

"Shh, it's alright. What's wrong?" Patton shook his head and curled up, turning away from Roman.

"Patton, please tell me. I want to know what has upset you so." He took a shaky breath and looked up.

"I'm just...worried about Virgil..." Roman stared at him in slight horror and disbelief.

"Virgil?! But, why?" Patton felt his heart drop at Roman's expression and regretted saying anything.

"I...I don't know...I've just seen sides of him and I feel bad for leaving..." He braced himself for yelling and knew Roman would abandon him immediately. He curled up and put his head in his wrapped arms. Instead of punishing him, Roman held him tighter and nodded.

"Okay, I understand. I know you care about him, and that's alright. I'm sure he'll be fine, you do not need to worry yourself" Patton held onto Roman, trying to calm down and stop the tears.

"I know, I just feel bad. And before we left, he was stabbed. I don't want him to die, Roman" Roman nodded and pet his hair gently and rocked him back and forth.

"Yes, I know, but we can't do anything about it now. He hurt you, and I don't want you going anywhere near him. Do you understand?" Patton nodded, wiping his tears away. He yawned and relaxed, sighing in content and purring lightly at being pet. Roman smiled and laid both of them down, letting Patton latch onto him. Patton's tears soaked his shirt, and it felt cold, but he held him anyway. Patton was only partly awake, but his mind was active. There was a long period of silence as Roman continued to rub Patton's back gently.

"Roman?" Roman opened his eyes slowly and stifled a yawn.

"Yes, Patton?"

"Do you hate Virgil?" Roman paused. Did he hate Virgil? Well, yes, but he wasn't going to just outright say that. He contemplated for a second before replying.

"I am a bit mad at him for taking you and for whatever he did to you, but I don't hate him. I'm merely...upset at him. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious. He says he hates you, but I know that's not true" Roman raised an eyebrow

"Oh? Has he said anything about me?" Patton nods sleepily.

"He talks about you a lot. Mostly mean things, especially around other people, but he's said a few good things in private. He always stops when he realizes I'm listening" Roman thought about this, and pet his hair some more.

"Alright, well you shouldn't dwell on it. You need your rest. Virgil will be fine, I assure you" Patton nods and starts to drift off. He finally faded into sleep, Roman following soon after.


 Virgil had been awaiting Deceit's return. He had patched himself up, not stopping the bleeding entirely, but enough to keep him alive. As soon as Deceit walked through the gates of the castle, he had perked up as he awaited the news of the murdered prince. It had been oddly silent, so he assumed word hadn't gotten out yet. He began to grow suspicious at Deceit's overall manor, and the way he avoided looking him. He approached Virgil's spot and bowed.

"Arise, and tell me what you have to say" Deceit obliged and stood, taking a breath before replying.

"Prince Roman is..." Virgil nodded, the anticipation eating at him. Deceit pulled back and winced a bit, knowing what would happen as soon as he said it.

"Not...dead..." Virgil's expression grew dark, with slight disbelief and anger mixed in.

"I'm sorry, you seem to have misspoken. I think you just said that you failed to follow my orders" Deceit nodded slowly, fear filling his every being. Virgil felt his blood boil and anger filled him. He pulled out a knife and sliced a scar into Deceit's cheek.

"You have failed me too many times. You'd better thank your lucky stars that you're even alive right now. My servant is gone, and the prince is still living, do you realize this?" Deceit nodded, and Virgil sliced him yet again. He attempted to calm himself and grabbed Deceit by the collar and locked him in the same dungeon that had held Patton.

"You better hope I calm down before you starve" He shut and locked the door, leaving Deceit alone. He sat in the darkness, still shaking from fear. He glanced around the room as his eyes adjusted. He noticed a small rock and some powder on the floor in a corner. He walked over to it and had to squint to read it. It was instructions on how to get out of the dungeon signed by...he laughed darkly as he realized the servant's stupidity. He began to memorize the way, as he planned his escape.

"You idiot. I will have to thank you sometime though" He said to the darkness. He wiped his cheeks and used the blood to draw out more plans, building on the ones previously carved. His hand scraped against the sharp rock used to carve the walls. He winced in pain, but picked up the rock and further cut his cheeks to get more blood. Eventually, he started to feel dizzy from pain and blood loss. He stood up and scanned the room. There wasn't much, but there was a few dusty pieces of light blue fabric. He approached the pieces and wrapped them around his hand and put pressure on both his cheeks to stop the bleeding. The cuts finally stopped, and he went back to planning and drawing, using the still-bloody pieces as ink. The blood finally ran out, and he set down all the materials in his hands. He laid down on the hard floor and stared at his work, nodding in approval. He set his hand down, accidentally breaking the skin again. By then, the fabric pieces had been lost in the darkness, and he had lost too much blood to get back up. The world slowly began to fade as his vision blurred, and he slipped away.

 A/N: The name of the guard has been chosen, and will be revealed in the next chapter. It also includes a reference that I'm sure two friends of mine will love, and if you understand the reference, I will instantly respect you. Thank you guys for all the thanks and nice things and stuffs, it's an amazing feeling to read your comments and to see like 700 readers as of now. I very much appreciate your enjoyment of this story and I'm sorry if my wording is a little Logan-y. Okay, I'll stop rambling and get back to typing the story now. Take it easy guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Peace out!   ~Pattoncake2

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