Chapter 11

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Patton had been screaming and crying. For how long, he couldn't tell. It was dark, cold, and lonely. He was suddenly blinded by light as Virgil approached him, smiling as his eyes glinted with pure evil.
    "Having fun in here, I see?" Patton frowned and put his head down, hugging his knees. Virgil glared and walked closer.
    "Well, I just figured you'd want to know the state of your old prince." Patton instantly looked up, eyes widening.
    "Oh, so that gets your attention, hm? Well I have some news for you." Virgil picked up the small servant by his cardigan.
    "He's dead." Virgil's voice had been deep and dark, and Patton gasped in horror, tears forming in his eyes as he felt his heart break.
    "N-no. No, he isn't! I don't believe you!"
    "Then don't. It's up to you." Virgil dropped Patton and he fell on his hands hard. He shrieked and held his right hand, wincing in pain.
    "He is not dead, you're lying! I know your plans and he's not dead!" Virgil tilted his head.
    "Oh, you know my plans, do you?" Patton nodded slowly, fear flowing through him and mixing with the pain. Virgil grabbed his hurt wrist and twisted it, making Patton scream.
"You will do nothing to interrupt my plan. And if you do-" he twisted it more. "I will kill you." He let go and left Patton to lay on the ground. Patton held his
wrist, attempting to ignore the pain. He hoped it would heal fast, or he wouldn't be able to write. Was that part of Virgil's plan? To get rid of his only reason to live at that point? He didn't know. He grabbed his notebook that he snuck with him and hugged it as tears flowed down his face. He laid his right hand down gently so he wouldn't move it. Taking a piece of his shirt in his mouth, he ripped it with his teeth and made a temporary cast. It felt weird to only have half of a shirt, and he was a little colder, but it made him feel better and he was proud of his work. He could get out. It would be easy. He opened the notebook and wrote down a plan. It was hard using his left hand, and he could barely read it, but he understood the basics. He nodded, confident in his plan and in himself. He would not let his prince be killed.
    Roman set Deceit down on a bed. They were in Patton's old room, still untouched until that day. He checked over Deceit's body, making sure there wasn't any physical harm.
    "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Deceit shook his head.
    "I'm okay." Roman smiled. He was finally with him. Patton was right there. He almost couldn't believe it was real. But it was, and he was happy. Deceit sat up and hugged Roman.
    "Thank you for saving me." Roman held him tight. He would never let him go again.
    "Of course, I would never just leave you there!" There was a knock on the door and Logan walked in the room.
    "Dinner has been prepared." Roman nodded and turned to Deceit, who smiled, his eyes shining.
    "Well, let's go!" Roman grabbed Deceit's hand and guided him to the table and sat him down next to him and Logan. A worker set plates down and Roman thanked him. He turned to Deceit.
    "So, how are you liking the kingdom so far?"
    "It's nice. Definitely better than my old one." Logan nodded.
    "That is good. I hope you are feeling well." Deceit smiled and giggled, slightly hating himself for it.
    "Thank you Logan!" They all continued eating and Deceit was the first one done. Eating fast had been a good skill in his kingdom.
    "Finished already?" Deceit nodded.
    "Do you require more?"
    "No, I'm good. Thank you." Logan nodded and Roman smiled.
    "Well, if you'd like, you can go to sleep." Deceit nodded and Roman stood up, carrying him to his room and set him down on the bed. He grabbed Rapunzel and was about to read it when Deceit stopped him.
    "I don't need a bedtime story. Thank you though." Roman turned his head in slight confusion. Patton loved bedtime stories. Well, maybe he was really tired from being where he was. Roman nodded and set the book down.
    "Of course, you need your sleep. Goodnight Patton." He took the blanket and tucked him in. Deceit nodded and waited until the door was closed and the footsteps silenced to sit up. He took off the glasses and reached into the cardigan pocket, taking out a knife. He smiled darkly as Virgil's plan began to unfold.

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