Chapter 6

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Roman arose in a hospital bed. He looked around, trying to remember why. Then he remembered. He started crying. Patton had once again been ripped from his life. But now he knew where he was. Roman swore that he would find Patton once more. He tried to sit up, but a hand stopped him and gently pushed him back down. Before he could speak, a formal, monotone voice spoke.
"I advise that you refrain from movement for a period of time." Roman groaned in playful annoyance and smiled.
"Hello Logan." Logan smiled. Logan ever showing emotion was a very rare thing, and seeing it warmed Roman's heart.
"Welcome back, Prince Roman." Logan patted his head.
"Wait, why shouldn't I move? Why am I here?" Roman gasped. "Is the other kingdom okay?" Logan sighed, slightly cringing at the last question.
"Sadly, no. The kingdom was taken over." Roman frowned.
"As for why you are here, you had a stab wound in your back, and you were bleeding out." Roman rolled his eyes. Leave it to Logan to state something like it didn't matter.
"Oh. Well..." Roman sighed. "I wish we could've saved it, you know?" Logan nodded in agreement as he began to patch up the rest of Roman's wounds. Roman winced in pain whenever pressure was applied in places, but he mostly stayed silent. After he was properly stitched up, Logan allowed him to slowly sit up.
"Thanks Logan."
"It is of my utmost pleasure, Prince Roman." Roman laughed at his intense vocabulary. It never failed to cheer him up. Logan knew that, and while it was habit to use big words, he usually always used the biggest words he could think of whenever Roman was down. He used to do it to Patton as well. Logan had used regular words for a week after he left, due to Roman remembering Patton's smile every time. Logan paused, thoughts flooding his mind. Roman noticed this, and looked at him worryingly.
"Everything okay?" Logan looked up, humming in response.
"Oh, of course, everything is satisfactory." Roman smiled.
Virgil tied his servant down, cuffing his wrists and ankles.
'Well isn't this just perfect,' he thought angrily. 'He won't forget this for months. Especially since I stabbed his old prince...' he shook the thought away. There was the sound of metal clinking as his servant. He looked around and blinked, still groggy. He looked up at Virgil and his face morphed into one a sort of angry, yet scared expression. He tried to move, realizing he was chained.
"Let me go!" Virgil took a step back at Patton's sudden yell.
"What did you just say?" Patton's eyes flashed with fear as he sputtered nonsense, struggling for an answer.
"Do you really think you can talk to me like that?!" Virgil neared Patton, anger flashing in his eyes. Patton whimpered, shaking his head. Virgil sighed. He wasn't going to harm the little thing. Not physically, anyway. No, something different. Virgil turned back to Patton, who looked up at him, tears beginning to form in his eyes and wetting his glasses. He then left without a word. He could see Patton from the window and felt something inside him. Was it care? Empathy? No, he was soulless. He didn't feel emotions. He didn't care about things. Especially not his servant.
A/N: Whoooo!!!! Fluff for everyone!!!! Now, I know there's been some angst, but I assure you, it gets better. There will be plenty of fluff to be written. I don't really have much time to type my work, because I handwrite and then type, so I have to cancel chapters and it takes me longer to post them. Sorry about that. Okay, on with the story!!!!!!!!

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