Chapter 1

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    Once upon a time, Prince Roman looked over at his kingdom, smiling as he knew everything was running smoothly. He sighed, leaning against the balcony and resting his chin on his hand. He could watch all day. Sadly, his equerry Logan walked in to inform about his schedule that day. As he listened to Logan's monotone voice, he felt himself beginning to zone out. The report began to sound like white noise as he gazed outside his window. If he looked hard enough, he could just barely see the kingdom next door to his. The Kingdom of Darkness. He shivered slightly at the name. Everyone knew that place was terrifying. During the first few building days of his kingdom, Roman had sent one of his servants, Patton, to go talk to them, and maybe have the other kingdom as an ally. That was a year ago. Patton had not returned. Since then, Roman had never dared to even do so much as to think of that place. Patton had been a joy, and some times, Roman had to excuse himself from an event whenever the memory of Patton surfaced his mind. He shook the thought away as Logan finished his speech.
    "Prince Roman, is everything alright?" Logan looked at him inquisitively, awaiting his response. Roman hummed, turning to Logan.
    "Oh, yes. I was just letting today's schedule sink in so I don't forget" Logan nodded, understanding the prince's thoughts. He set the  paper down on his desk and exited the room. Roman sighed, looking over his schedule. Thankfully, the paper was written in much simpler words than Logan had stated. Perhaps that was the reason he zoned out. He didn't really remember his thoughts until it hit him.  He had been thinking about Patton. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he forced himself to begin his work, trying to distract himself from his thoughts. The day went on as usual, and finally, Roman was finished.
    Virgil stood watching over his kingdom. He smiled, chuckling maniacally at the chaos before his eyes. He turned to his servant who was at his desk, writing reports as usual. Feeling his gaze, his servant turned to him and stood up, kneeling before speaking.
    "Yes, Prince Virgil?"
    "I need you to check on the others. Torture them if necessary." His servant nodded, staring at the ground. Virgil smirked. He had gotten his precious servant about a year ago and since then, he had broken his little mind, bit by bit. His servant left the room, allowing Virgil to turn back to the village. He watched as someone stabbed a child for walking past him. Virgil silently rooted for the child. He had been watching the kid for some time now. The child was tough, and could take down his strongest guards. He didn't know the kid's name, and, as per usual, the kid took down the guy, taking the knife for himself. Virgil muttered a "yes" under his breath. Behind him, he could hear screams. He smiled again, knowing his little servant was doing well. Minutes later, his servant returned, tears streaking his face as he plopped back on his chair, sobbing in his hands. Virgil calmly walked over to him, putting the handcuff back on his ankle. Not like he could escape anyway. They were in a tower, much bigger than in Tangled, but about the same height. There was a door that only Virgil could open, leading to the outside world. Sure, there was a window, but nothing in that room could help his servant escape. The only thing the little servant had was a small pillow and light blue blanket. Virgil would bring food daily, and he let his servant ration it out as he pleased. The private cells were downstairs, a door that locked on the outside guarding it. Virgil would have his servant visit the prisoners every three days to feed and torture them. Eventually, they would be able to leave. That is, if they hadn't died by then. It was especially heartbreaking to the little servant when that occurred, and Virgil couldn't have been happier about his misery. The servant eventually stopped crying, returning to his work, obnoxiously sniffling every minute or so. Eventually, Virgil had to leave and return to his own work. He locked the door, making sure to leave some bread for his servant, and left the tower. He glanced up, double checking to make sure his servant was secure, and went to his castle.

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