A Change of Style

Start from the beginning

That's when a few alarms started ringing in my head. Mandalorians aren't very offering if I have learned from Sabine. "Actually, we're kinda in a rus--" "We'd love too," Sabine interrupted, shooting a glare at me through her helmet. "Great," the man said as we followed him into the next room.

"The name is Todd. I suppose you noticed that this town is like, well, a Ghost town."

We all sat down at the table, Zeb sitting closer to Todd, keeping us further away from the man. He may be a tough guard but he is really the protection of us in these types of situations.

"Diana! Bring the food," Todd called. "Yes, father!" a young girl called from above. Todd then sat across from me. "People don't come here, every so often. What did you come to talk about?" Todd asked.

Sabine pulled out a photograph. "One of our pilots came through this town and left an important disc with one of the people. Do you recognize him," Sabine asked, holding the photo of the pilot for Todd. He scratched his chin, leaning over toward the photo. "Hm, I feel as though I have seen this person. But with all the pilots and stormtroopers passing through the streets every day," Todd replied sadly.

I slumped back. We are never gonna get this dumb disc! Can't I do anything right?! A young girl, who was definitely my age, with black hair and a maid attire, walked in, holding a tray filled with a thick juicy chicken and vegetables. Her eyes were hazed, her pupils wide. Something definitely is wrong.

 "Darling," Todd began. "Yes, Papa?" Diana replied softly. I leaned closer to Sabine. "Don't you think something is...up?" I whispered. Sabine shrugged me off.

"Knock it off, Ezra," Sabine hissed. I slumped back in my seat. "Give our guest their food." "Yes, Papa," Diana replied, sitting a good amount of food onto each plate. Sabine is too focused on the mission itself than my worry. I tap her shoulder again, but this time, Sabine looks at me and lightly pushes me away.

"Leave me alone," Sabine growled. She actually doesn't trust my judgment. What was the point of me coming if no one was going to care about my opinion? Wait...does she blame me for what happened to Kanan? She also saw Kanan as a father figure and it also hit her hard after the events of Malacore.

Diana then left the room, taking the empty tray with her. Everyone seemed to nibble on their food, well, Zeb and Todd anyway. Sabine didn't remove her helmet and I didn't touch the food in front of me, my warning bells still seemed to be going off.

"Group? Didn't you say you were a group?" Todd asked curiously. Not exactly. "There are more of us," Zeb explained. Todd thought for a moment. "I see..."

"Have you seen the disc, sir?" Sabine asked. Todd sat back in his seat and chuckled softly. "I don't know, darling," Todd looked at Sabine and smiled. "My my, are you innocent things. A lot of money could go into you, I'm sure it has already..."

Maul leaning in near my ear.

Todd stood up, and Sabine and Zeb growled something I couldn't hear; everything seemed so...muffled. Todd stood up and began to walk around the table slowly.

 "No one sticks their neck out so far as to go to some ghost town for a simple disc unless you were..."

MOVE! The force was screaming out to me, all my alarms were going off in my head. That's when Todd yanked me by my long hair.

"Ah!" I cried out in pain as I was pulled out of my chair. Sabine whipped out her blaster and Zeb pointed his bow-rifle at Todd. Todd had his own blaster and held it to my head. "Rebel scum!" Todd hissed.

"Kid!" Zeb cried.
"Ezra!" Sabine cried.

"You little--" "Uh uh uh, I wouldn't try that if I were you. Unless you want little Blueberry brains to go boom," Todd warned. I couldn't struggle in his grasp, my hair in his tight hold. "Bounty hunter..." Sabine spat, like venom.

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