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I had all my gear on and tried to stop thinking about Kacchan. I didn't think he hated me so much, and just because I'm being myself. I sulked my head and tried to push away my feelings to head out into the battlefield.

The white lines surrounding the perimeter, if you go over the line you're out. I went on the left side while Kacchan headed to the right.

I really didn't care right now, I looked at him and watched him smile devilishly.

"This is going to be great"

"Begin" Mr. Aizawa yelled as the students observed.

Kacchan came bolting at me but I physically couldn't do anything. I stood my ground with more tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. What did I do wrong? Why does he hate me?

He ran at me and next thing I knew I was on his side of the court, he undercut me and sent me flying to the other side.

"Fight me Deku!"

"What's the point"

"What do you mean? Fight me!"

"Either way you'll hate me, hate me if I win, hate me if I lose, you will always hate me."

Kacchan sped up to me and grabbed the collar of my costume. He started yelling at me to fight but I stood there quietly.

"You're worthless, you can't even fight. All Might would be ashamed if he saw you right now."

My eyes opened wide as I stared at him, now in shock. What does he know? All Might wouldn't be ashamed, he'd comfort me like everyone else would.

I grabbed the straps to his costume while he still had mine and jumped us into the air where nobody could hear us.

"I'm sick of your emotional abuse Katsuki, you know that? I've tried for years to become closer with you again, I don't know what made you hate me, but now I'm starting to hate you."

His eyes were wide and then he started laughing. I looked him dead in the eye and threw him, nearly full force and he smashed into the dry dirt while I hovered inside the lines.

"Midoriya one"

I walked to the back where all the students were and they all started talking to me, I didn't care. I looked at Kacchan who dusted himself off weakly and scowled at me in the distance.

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