Izaya's Illegal Package

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The brunette sighed running his fingers through his hair contemplating deeply. His iries swirled with concern and sadness. Staring at his phone waiting for a text or call to make his heart skip a beat once again. He felt like a person on a waiting line to become a corpse.  Izaya sighed laying back on the sofa. ‘Where is he?’ Izaya was beyond stressed out. His heart pounded with a quick unsteady beat. Thump, thump, thump. His chest ached in his body. Izaya’s fear and panic started to squirm inside of him. He felt an odd sense of danger lurking towards Shizuo. Which caused him great anxiety.

    The doorbell rang, causing Izaya to stumble off the couch excitedly. Relief bubbling up his stomach. The brunette raced across the room. He opened the door happily. His face didn’t drop however but, his eyes grew wide and his iris’s started to shrink. It all seemed surreal. The brunette’s smile faded into an a surprised ‘0’ shape. “Hey, Orihara! Long time no see!” Yuno cheered. “Happy Christmas Eve!” Tsukiyama spoke. “When did you guys get out!” Izaya gasped stunned. “Not so long ago.” Yuno smiled. “C’mere!” Tsukiyama exclaimed wrapping his arms around Izaya pulling him in a friendly gesture. Emotions washed over Izaya. His body started to tremble as tears slipped out of his water line. The brunette clinged on to the purple haired male. “It’s been so long!” Izaya wailed. “It has!” Tsukiyama hollard. “Yuno, go get the gift.” Tsukiyama told the pinked girl. Before returning his attention back on Izaya. “Did you find Kaneki yet? I thought you would have kidnapped him by now.” Izaya smirked. “Nah me, and Yuno had another mission in mind.” Tsukiyama chuckled. Izaya perked up brighter curious to what they two had been up to.

    Yuno came back with a huge lock not so thin packet with golden wrapping paper around it. With a red boy tied on it. Izaya looked at the gift intensely. Glancing at his friends for a brief moment before gazing back at his present. “It has holes in it..” Izaya questioned. Tsukiyama flashed a demonic smile which made Izaya’s stomach squirm slightly. “What the hell did you give me?!” Izaya yelped. “Hey! Look we just went a little gift shopping on our trip up here! Yuno defended herself. Tsukiyama stared tiredley at his two best friends arguing among themselves.

    A groan muffled from the package which made Izaya snap his turning his attention completely on the box”You brought a human!” Izaya yelled. “Not any human.” Tsukiyama spoke calmly. “Yeah, we had drug him up.” Yuno proclaimed throwing her arms up in the air like the crazy person she is. Shizuo was awake now but still oblivious to the fact he was back in reality. Darkness surrounded him engulping him. “Where the hell am I?” The blonde asked raspily. “Oh my god..” Izaya’s voice was quiet. Racing towards his illegal package taking out his switchblade opening the box.

    Pieces of Styrofoam flew out as Shizuo jointed up from laying down. Izaya’s eyes widened and his posture became tense thinking about the situation. “The sleeping beauty awakened from his rest!” Yuno clapped her hands applauding the angry Shizuo. His head quickly turned to her direction giving her a murderous look then, glared at Tsukiyama. “What the hell!” Shizuo yelled ready to pounce out of the box. And throw something at the two psychos before him. The same rush of hatred he used to have for..

    “You brought me, Shizu-Chan?” Sweet soft words flooded through Shizuo’s ears relaxing him. Making Shizuo turn around to gaze at Izaya in awe. Relieved that he did get to spend Christmas Eve with Izaya. “Surprise! We thought you would enjoy it since, he meant alot to you when you was away with us. So, we brought the best gift we could offer!” The purple haired man stated proudly. “So whatcha gonna do with him? Kill him?” Yuno grinned. Izaya fell to his knees. Cupping his face with his hands. Tears started to fall, prickling from his eyes, rolling down on his cheeks. Shizuo quickly went to his side, snaking his arms around him. Holding Izaya against his chest.

    “You guys are such great friends!” Izaya sobbed. Yuno too started to get emotional. Throwing herself on her other best friend, Tsukiyama. Tears leaking from her eyes as well. Shizuo wore a puzzled expression on his face. Processing it all. ‘If Izaya had such good friends, why did he come back to a place where everybody hated him?’ Shizuo thought. Shizuo examined all three of them in the room. Their personalities were so different. Izaya’s was more sarcastic, Yuno was more girly and outgoing, and Tsukiyama was well a creep. How ever they had one thing in common that tied the three close friends together…

    “We became friends at a mental hospital.” Yuno grinned. ‘Ah they're all crazy.’ Shizuo thought. Their mental illnesses is what made them bond. The four sat comfortably in the living room. Izaya was snuggling up against Shizuo resting his head on his chest. While the blonde had his arm around the brunette. Yuno was spinning in Namie’s spinny chair. While Tsukiyama sat in the end of the couch. The conversation was quite interesting to Shizuo. And Izaya was quite intrigued with everyone’s company. “What are your guy’s plans after Christmas Eve?” Izaya asked. “Well, after this we’re going to get Kanneeekkkii.” Yuno slurred rolling her eyes.

    “Hey!” Tsukiyama yelled in defense madly blushing. Shizuo looked down shocked at the vibration from Izaya. He felt the laughter bubble up from the person he was holding. Until, Izaya started wheezing. The dark haired male quickly got up the living room about to put on a show. “Oh dear Kaneki-Kun, I still have that handkerchief with your blood on it. I’ve kept it all this time. Sometimes I hold it up to make face like so.” Izaya put his hands over his bottom face glancing down at Tsukiyama with an evil smirk creeping on his face. “And scream your names on top of my lungs. Because it soothes me. Oh dear god Kaneki, your blood is so-.” “Shut up!” Tsukiyama’s face was red from embarrassment. “KANNEEEKKKII!!!!” Yuno yelled impersonating Tsukiyama ganging up on him with Izaya. “Yuno! You have no right to judge me obsessiveness.” Tsukiyama gasped offended. Making the pink haired girl stick her tongue at him.

“Izaya you are such an asshole!” Tsukiyama squeaked. “I can agree with that part.” The blonde snorted. The purple haired man flashed a happy smile at him. Izaya looked at Shizuo hurt. “Shizu-Chan, You can’t take sides with him!” Izaya huffed crossing his arms. “Too late!” Tsukiyama hollard. “I can drink on that note!” Yuno spoke. “Yass.” Tsukiyama squealed. The pink haired girl went to get the champagne from earlier. They grabbed the cups from the kitchen filling them with the festive liquid. “Cheers, To Izaya being such an ass!” Tsukiyama declared. “Cheers!” Everyone laughed except the fuming brunette. But he took a sip anyway. Enjoying the evening before him.  

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