Chapter Fifteen; Autumn Blues

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Izaya sulked sitting on his couch, with his hood over his face. The fur from his coat prickled his skin. Causing irritation to his skin. "Izaya, will you stop mopping around?!" A feminine voice laced with annoyance yelled from the kitchen. The brunette groaned, and buried his face in his hands. Mairu stepped out of the kitchen with Kururi behind her. The girl with the long braid glared at the figure from the living room. "Izaya are you actually being serious?! How stupid are you?! How could you actually believe that Shizuo wanted you dead?! After, all what happened between you two recently! Shizuo, just wanted to probably be friends or something! I don't even feel sorry for you!" Mairu's words burned Izaya's ears. Izaya glared up at Mairu to find Kururi nodding her head and agreeing with everything her sister had just said. "Twins suck." Izaya muttered to himself.

"Oh haha, speaking of twins. Me and Kururi are going to see Hikaru, and Kaoru." A faint chuckle escaped Mairu's lips. And Kururi flashed a smile. The brunette perched his lips and looked as if he was in deep thought. "Whatever." He grunted and waved his hand not caring, about to resume his self-pitying session. Until, he heard Mairu say, "Namie will pick us up." "WHAT! How far do they live from here?!" "Not that far.." Kururi muttered. "Oh.. wait hold up that means.. How long will you be staying at their house?!" Izaya hissed. "Long enough." Mairu stated. "Yea. They talked about this club they're in. And the boys sound much better over there than the ones here." They girls started talking among themselves. Until, Izaya yelled. "Their rich!" Mairu grinned trying to persuade their pissed off older brother. Before, Izaya could protest the girls ran up to their room. Izaya let out a bitter sigh, "I hope Hikaru, and Kaoru aren't as evil as my sisters." Then he shook his head, "Nevermind, all twins are evil. I shouldn't even hope for better."

Izaya laid down on the couch curling up into a ball. Thoughts raced through his mind, realizing his only company might be himself for the whole week. The brunette huffed annoyed snuggling into the couch. 'I can't bug Shizu-Chan. Ugh, he's no fun. God, when did he become such a softy? Throw his bear like persona. Maybe, it became too easy for him. Or, he thinks I'm someone I'm not. I can't tell. I just need to come up with a plan!' Izaya thought.

His eyes strayed to the window staring out into the city. They sky was dark with gleaming stars from above. The city lights flashed down among the streets. He remembered something he had told Mikado awhile back. " If you truly want to escape life you've got no other choice but to keep evolving. No matter whether you're aiming higher or, lower." Suddenly those words sunk into Izaya's mind like poison. He hated every ounce of it what he had said to the high school boy. Because, it was true yet, even he was scared of doing it in some ways. His black eyelashes fluttered slowly as his liveliness in his body was settling down. His coat gave him warmness and comfort for the evening. Before, he dozed off he pictured Shizuo in his mind. Not knowing Shizuo was thinking about him too.

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