Chapter Five; Face Off

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The day held up a crystal blue sky with white fluffy clouds. Everything seemed to be alive except for the grumpy male dragging his feet against the sidewalk. The young man cursed underneath his breath as sun rays poked him threw his thick,black coat. "Damn these lucky charms." Izaya hissed annoyed with his sisters for kicking him out of the apartment for groceries.

He wanted to be wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, and have the blinds shut so the sun could skip his room. Leaving him to rest in the dark with lingering dreams in his mind. With slight bags under his eyes. Izaya let out a groan walking on a certain street he didn't care to be on. A stop sign smacks him tossing, him around like a tumbleweed. 'Shizuo why you..' Izaya thought. His eye's glowed with irritation. He loved messing with Shizuo but, it was too early for this coas. "Shizuo-Chan, look your ruined my groceries. Technically, you just swooped down to a Roach's level." Izaya's lips formed an menacing, cocky smirk yet, his words stressed annoyance and bitterness. "How many times... Do I have to tell you.. TO STAY OFF THIS STREET YOU BASTARD!!" Shizuo expressed in anger. Izaya snorted at his rage, before taking out his pocket knife.

Izaya in full speed, dashing towards Shizuo. Not before long, a trash can was aimed at Izaya. Shizuo threw it, but Izaya leaped over it. 'Why isn't this guy an olympian?' Izaya wondered. 2 feet away from Shizuo ready to strike. Izaya received a blow from Shizuo's fist. Trying not to cough up blood, he slashed Shizuo's arm. Crimson, red liquid stung his arm. The blonde taller male grunted. Izaya felt a fist to his stomach. Izaya crouched down quickly tore Shizuo's pant leg. While, Shizuo felt hot, painful, wet liquid dripping under his knee. Izaya then sliced one of his ribs. Shizuo felt his skin burning, like paper under a cigarette lighter. Shizuo kicked Izaya in the chest. Knocking the wind out of Izaya falling down. The smaller male with black hair wheezing shallow breathes got up before, launching himself at Shizuo giving Shizuo a black eye. Shizuo grabbed Izaya's throat. Air caving in on Izaya's lungs. Panic squirmed in his body. His blade cut across Shizuo's knuckles. Izaya fell to the concrete in fits of coughing. He could taste the bloody metallic taste that salted his lips. His eyes could see Shizuo screaming in pain, trying not to cry. 'You may have super strength but, all superheros come to an end.' Izaya thought in the back of his mind.

Izaya's head slightly turned to see a pair of black high heeled boots running on the sidewalk. 'Ah it's Celty.' Izaya's thoughts blurred with his vision. He heard voices in the background. "Shizuo's wounds aren't as bad so I can fix him. Celty you take Izaya to the hospital." Shinra's voice echoed in the darkness that Izaya fell into.

Trips In and out of the days Izaya spent in the hospital, Mairu and Kururi spent time with their older brother. Izaya flying under radar with no mischievous activities in his hands while, the Orihara sisters soaring high above the radar involved with The Dollar's research and their recent activities. Spending some hours after school tangled in the subject that lies in Izaya's laptop.

Shizuo with a few stitches and a skin busted hand, had a cigarette in his mouth. Sitting with his favorite friends Shinra, and Celty. Along with his russian girlfriend, Vorona holding his hand having a pleasant time. Celty's phone started to ring as she checked the caller ID she went to another room.

Celty hated keeping Izaya as a secret from Shizuo. But she was caught in the silky strings of his insane web. And now caught in his life. Celty left the room, to go to another for her helmet, then return to the previous room. And at last, she waved her goodbyes to everyone before she left to take off to the hospital. She hopped on her motorcycle and took off, to fetch a patient in the hospital.

Later that night, the streetlights glowed brightly down upon the city as, Shizuo walked Vorona home hand in hand. Vorona clenched his good hand, with an unreadable expression displayed on her face. Shizuo knew something was eating at her. So he asked what's wrong? Vorona perched her lips and then, answered him with just Father's business with a sigh escaping her lips. Before, they parted ways. She turned to face him, and got on her tiptoes to give him a peck on the lips. Her warmth concealed on his lips, Shizuo flashed a smile telling her to have a goodnight and that he'll see her tomorrow.

After, they parted Vorona sensed footsteps walking in front her. 'Probably walking an opposite direction as me' She thought. Her blue eyes glanced up to meet a familiar person. His fur off the tail of his black, oversized coat swayed in the night's breeze. That matched his black shoes, tight black skinny jeans, and his smug fitting v shape black t-shirt. Izaya Orihara looked up at her gaze uninterested about to go around her like she was just a stranger on a street. Until, she spoke this, "Stay away from my Shizuo-Chan got it?" A smirk crept on Izaya's lips. "Yours? Possessive aren't we? To tell you the truth I'm not into him. I only have a love for humans." Izaya's taunt burned Vorona's ears. "Listen to me Orihara and listen good, Shizuo-Chan isn't some animal in a petting zoo to be treated horrible by assholes like you. So, stop treating him he is one. He is more than a human than you will ever be. You're the lowest of them all." Vorona barked back at Izaya's words. "Vorona, you are totally uncute when you act this way." Izaya retorted.His eyes shifted to her face giving her a piercing stare before, Izaya walked away, far-far away from her. 'Totally uncute.' Izaya thought.

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