Chapter 2

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I shrug off my white button up shirt and sigh. Yet another sucessful concert. I still can't believe the boys and I got this far. There were thousands of girls out there! Cheering for us! It's a massive accomplishment for all of us. It gets me so hyped up! Especially after concerts as loud as this one was. It was practically defeaning.

I smile to myself as I look around at my bandmates.They all seem to be on a high as well. Liam looks happy, he's messing with Zayn, trying to balance a cookie on his nose. Niall looks happy, he's cracking up with Josh and Sandy over there. My eyes focus on Harry. He's one of the last ones changing, just like me. I admire his sculpted body as he slips into some track pants and a shirt that says 'Hipsta Please'. He's so adorable with his little hipster vibe and his curly-que hair. He looks up from snapping a picture of Niall laughing-I'm sure it'll be on instagram later-and smiles at me. I grin back at his piercing green eyes. Then I realize I still dont have my shirt all the way off. Oopsie Loueh! I think as if Harry was saying it and continue unbuttoning. I slip a striped black and white t-shirt on and some grey sweats. I add a blue beanie as well since it's nighttime and I'm done worrying about my hair for the day. 

Suddenly, a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. Harry! My body tingles with his touch. I grin ecsatically and chuckle.

"Harreh!" I shout and kick my feet in the air. It's funny how he can pick me up, and I'm the older one. I love it though. Just like everything else about him. Each time he gets close to me, I get those silly butterflies. The finishing piece to any crush. He sets me down and I spin to face him, slapping him playfully. He fakes a pout and turns away, just in time for me to jump on his back. Immediately, his hands move to support my thighs. Not really helping with the whole, butterflies in my tummy thing. I try not to focus on his hands, instead biting the soft skin on his neck. I make a scary voice:

"Shh, Bella, I won't hurt you!" His deep laugh echoes through the noisy room. 

"Lou, you don't actually sparkle, so you can't pull that off!" He says cheekily. I reach up and ruffle his curls. They really are soft. I love touching them.

"Hey, you are the one with curly brown hair like Bella!" I retort. Acting on instinct, I press my lips quickly against the teeth marks on his neck. I feel him shiver. Uh oh, was that a bit too much? This kind of thing happens alot. Me, acting on some whim or reflex without thinking. Then I have to back off to see if he's alright with it. He usually doesn't seem to mind, brushing it off as joking around. 

I hop off his back anyway, skipping over to Liam, who has the cookie miraculously balanced on his nose. Time for some dessert and classic Louis pranking! I reach up and snatch the cookie off his nose, gobbling it up. 

"LOUEH!!!" shouts Liam, making everyone in the room look over, startled. Harry realizes what happened first and begins to laugh. Through a full mouth, I mumble.

"What? It looked yummy!" Liam cracks a grin and Zayn pats me on the back. He's wearing a black varsity jacket, dark sunglasses and boots. 

"Bradford bad boy, eh?" I tease him, badly imitating his stride and accent. Niall chuckles and steals Zayn's sunglasses. 

"Ugh, Louis, don't even say that anymore!" Zayn groans, embarassed. Then, he reaches for his sunglasses. 

"Oh! Too slow!" Nialls shouts and throws them to Liam, who catches them and runs to the door. Just as Paul is coming through. Liam collides with Paul, who grabs his arms just in time to cath him from falling on his bum, and laughs. Liam slips Zayn sunglasses into Paul's pocket and bolts for the tour bus. Niall goes to grab the sunglasses from his pocket, but Paul flips him upside down.

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