"You're right." I sigh, before crawling off of Ryan's bed. "I'll let you finish packing." With that, I exit his room feeling the slightest bit guilty for everything.

~ ~ ~

The road to Phoenix was only a five hour drive which was simple enough. Somehow the most complicated part of the tour bus was the actual sleeping arrangements, specifically when it came to the boys. Although there was enough bunks, they were squabbling about who got the top bunk, who got the bottom bunk, and everything there was possible to argue about.

I had somehow managed to get a bottom bunk which I was completely happy with as from what I've heard, from the girls, your bed ends up being just a place to crash and store your stuff, it's not something to get super attached too.

"Will you guys just pick a place already?" Kara complained, getting fed up with all of the guys who still remained difficult about the beds. Somehow all of the girls had managed to claim four bunks closest to the front of the bus where a curtain separated the guys bunks from the girls. Leo had said that he specifically asked for it just out of curtesy for all of us even though there is no such thing as privacy in such a small area.

"This is a very big decision." Carter defended, sounding like a little kid who just stomped his foot because he didn't get his way. He was smiling though so we all knew that he was being dramatic.

"Well, it's a five hour drive and we don't perform until tomorrow night so you don't have to make your minds up just yet." Liana finalized, her voice holding undisputed authority. Amazingly, the boys immediately figured out everything and we all found ourselves in the back lounge room pretty quickly.

Of all of the parts of the tour bus, this area was probably my favourite. It was equipped with a huge couch that could hold all eleven of us which was nice as it brought back the feeling of being in the living room watching television with my family; however, this living room was on wheels and I was surrounded by a different type of family than what I was used too.

"Who's up for a game of Desert Island?" Amy enthusiastically poses as we've all settled into the couch. Landon and I had managed to not get much time to speak to each other since arriving on the bus earlier this evening. He smiled and said 'hi' though when we first met up which was such a simple gesture but it made my heart manage to beat twice as quickly.

"Top three albums you'd take on a desert island, go." Reece lead after we'd all agreed that desert island was cool.

"I know!" Ryan announced. "Okay, definitely '1' by The Beatles, 'Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!' by Panic! At the Disco, and 'Masterpiece Theatre' by Marianas Trench." I couldn't help but smile at his choices, I was impressed and a little envious of him choosing such great albums, even if it was for just a game.

"I got mine... the Shrek 2 soundtrack, for sure." Carter speaks up, capturing my attention as soon as he mentions the soundtrack. I have loved that album since watching the movie. " '+' by Ed Sheeran and The Best of Keane album." He confidently finishes, again coming up with great choices that I'd wished I'd remembered.

It wasn't long before the game burned down after only a few rounds and slowly everyone headed on to bed. Landon cornered me on my way to my own bunk, his hand burned as he took ahold of my elbow, gently pulling me into him.

"Hi." He whispered. It was only us two at this point, only a few feet from where all of the bandmates were.

"Hi." I copy, a little louder than I had intended causing him to laugh slightly.

"Is it possible for you to be quiet?" He asks, a smirk cast upon his face.

"Not really." I tell him, flashing him a quick smile. "What do you want?"

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