She will be mine

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Kim's POV

even though Cheryl was the one to make the first move I feel myself falling for her more and more everyday. I don't know what it is about her but there something there that I just can't forget.

'Kimba? You okay?' Cheryl asks me...
It's only at this time that I realise I've started to day dreaming about Cheryl in the middle of a meeting with management. Oh dear.
'Oh, uh yeah. I'm fine. Just tired' Lie. 'Acctually. Cheryl. Do you want to come over tonight? I mean for like a girly night in. Just me and you?'
'Um. Okay' she said

YES! She agreed! Thank god!

** sorry it's so short! I'll update more when I have time :) **

Chim - love is in the airWhere stories live. Discover now