Kuroo Tetsurou x Male! Reader (Soulmate AU Pt. Two!)

Start from the beginning


"Not now!" He yelled at me, swatting away my hand.

He looked down, noticing the concealer on his fingers. His eyes gazed at my wrist, taking my hand and wiping the rest of it off, the name of my soulmate now visible. I was shaking, and I looked away from him, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"You lied to me (Y/n)... You said you didn't have a soulmate!" He yelled at me.

I let out a whimper, closing my eyes as I felt tears coming back.


"Have you met him?" He asked.


"I said, have you met him?!" He repeated, more sternly, his grip on my wrist tightening.

People had turned their attention towards us, and among the crowd, I saw him. My soulmate.

"No!" I whimpered out, and he let go of my wrist.

I took it back, rubbing it as it started to throb. I took notice of the bruise he left me.

"Go home, I don't want to see you anymore," he said sternly.

"Are you... Breaking up with me?" I whispered.

"No (Y/n)! Go home!" He shouted.

I turned away and left the party, passing Tetsurou on the way. It looked like he wanted to say something to me, but I ignored him and went back to my apartment. I lied in bed, silently crying to myself.

Why did I have to see you again?


I didn't feel safe with my boyfriend anymore. He would call me names and constantly get angry at me. He luckily didn't get physical, but I still had the bruise from the night at the party.

Ever since then, I would occasionally see Tetsurou around campus, but we never talked to each other.

I sat in another boring lecture, tapping my pen against the notebook, waiting for the class to be over. Once it was, I packed my stuff and headed for lunch. At least I would have if I wasn't stopped.

"(Y/n), we need to talk,"

I gulped, turning around to face Tetsurou.

"What is there to talk about?" I asked angrily.

"I know you don't like me, and that's fine. You can hate me all you want, but I'm worried about you. Your boyfriend... He's abusing you, isn't he?" He asked.

"Why do you care? You never loved me, and he does," I said.

His brows furrowed as he pointed at my wrist.

"That bruise is still there, it's from the party isn't it?" He asked.


"(Y/n), the party happened two weeks ago! You're obviously miserable, there are bags under your eyes!" He said.

"Please, don't do this to yourself, you're not happy," he begged.

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