Luke Hemmings // Stranger.

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You turned your head to see a tall boy walking up to you. He looked about your age, blond hair, blue shimmering eyes.

"Hi?" You laughed.

He sat down on the small swing next to you and you giggled at him struggling to fit on the swing, considering he was quite tall. You tilted your head to the right and smiled at the immensely cute boy.

"Who are you?" You asked.

"Luke. Luke Hemmings.. who are you?" He grinned, taking his hand out of his jacket pocket and sticking it out as if he was going to give you a handshake.

You kept your distance and laughed as he put his hand back in his pocket, cheeks flushed.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you, Luke." You answered.

You looked down at your shoes and realized that you couldn't see them in this darkness. It was past midnight after all. You smiled to yourself thinking about this boy, this stranger who decided to come and talk to you suddenly. Oh, why were you at a playground past midnight? The answer's simple, really - you loved it here and no one stopped you from coming here.

"Why are you here, Y/N?" He smiled.

"To put it simply, because I can." You answered.

He nodded and chuckled lightly to himself.

"What about you, Luke Hemmings?" You asked, using his full name just because it was so elegant.

"A lot of things, mostly anger. Towards people.. I needed to get out of the house, so I did. And I saw you and thought, 'hey, why don't I take the chance to try to meet someone who doesn't actually piss me off'. Needless to say, you succeeded." He laughed.

You laughed along and kicked at the gravel under your shoes.

"I'm glad I don't piss you off." You said.

It got silent after that, which was almost unbearably awkward. You watched as he started to swing a little bit and noticed his clothes, which were tight black skinny jeans and a blue jacket, with a white undershirt. Nice outfit, you thought. It was weird, having someone to actually talk to. You came out to this park a lot at night, just to think. Tonight, you actually had someone to talk to.

You watched Luke as he looked at you with a gleam in his eye. He bit his bottom lip, playing with the thin black ring pierced through the left side. He got up from the swing and started walking to the actual structure.

"Coming?" He asked, climbing up to the top of the playground.

You hesitated at first, but realized that he can't do much harm. He doesn't seem dangerous at all, really. He was actually quite intriguing. So, you got up from the swing and followed him all the way to the top of the structure. You sat right next to him, staring up at the stars.

"Why were you angry?" You asked.

He sighed and shrugged at the same time.

"Pressures. I'm just.. I've been under a lot of pressure recently and it's a lot. It's nice to get out of my head for a little bit and talk to people like you." He smiled.

Pressures? This boy, Luke, was far more intricate than you'd thought. It's interesting and it made you attracted to him even more than you were before, by just his looks. You wanted to know him - you wanted to figure him out.

"What pressures?" You asked.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions." He laughed.

"Sorry.." You trailed off.

"No, no. It's okay, it's nice having someone to tell. See, I'm in a band, and lately we've been getting pretty popular. We're getting bigger and bigger by the day, and I don't wanna call myself a celebrity, but it's just that there's a lot more people to impress now that we're semi-big." He explained.

"Are you having fun, though?" You asked.

You watched him think for a moment, admiring his looks in the process.

"Of course, I'm touring with my best friends." He laughed.

"Then, that's what you should think about. The fun." You smiled.

He turned to face you directly and a wide grin appeared on his face.

"That's really brilliant. Thanks, Y/N. I'll keep that in mind." He said.

You blushed and shrugged.

"Anytime, Luke."

"Y'know, I really like you, Y/N. I know we just met and everything, but you're amazing. I like being here, with you." He said.

You heard him gulp as if he was nervous for what you were going to say. The truth was that you did like being here with him as well. It was nice to think about someone else's life besides your own for once, which is what you did every time you came to this park at this hour. It was refreshing to have someone else to talk to.

"I like being here with you too, Luke." You smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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