Luke Hemmings // Prom?

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NOTE; if you haven't heard the song 'Somewhere In Neverland' by All Time Low, please go listen to it and then read this (: thank you! x

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"Stop denying it, it's gonna be Luke."

You and your best friend were walking into school, and it was about three weeks before prom. No one's asked you yet, but you and this guy in your math class were getting pretty close. His name is Luke, and you both have a lot in common. Especially music taste. There've been rumors going around that Luke likes you and is going to ask you to prom, but you won't believe it unless it happens. He was pretty cute, and sweet. You've been talking for about three months now, and to be honest, you wouldn't mind going to prom with him.

"You don't know that, it's only rumors." You said back to your friend.

She glanced at you.

"Yeah, rumors." She scoffed.

The bell rang and you both said goodbye. Then you walked to your first period class, which was boring as usual.

You went through your classes until you finally reached the end of your day, which was actually a rally to pump up your school for an upcoming basketball game.

You found your best friend as you were walking to the gym and she had the biggest grin on her face.

"What?" You laughed.

She laughed with you and shook her head.

"Ohh, nothing. Just some rumors I heard last period." She said.

You sighed and looked at her.

"Luke rumors?"

She giggled and opened the gym door for you.

"Nooo.." She said suspiciously.

You shook your head while smiling and walked in, her walking in after you. You both found your seats and you took out your phone to text Luke to ask him where he was, since you both usually sat together for everything.

The rally finally started and the crowd was so loud. The only thing missing was Luke next to you, cheering with you. You've been to three rallies with him and they're all so much fun with him. Sure, your friends were fun too, but Luke was special. He made things fun, exciting, and he made you feel special. Thinking about all of this made you sad that he wasn't around, but all of the sudden the crowd got really silent.

The leadership students who were running the rally came to the middle of the gym and started setting up a microphone and an acoustic guitar.

"What are they doing?" You said to your friend.

Your friend just laughed, which you thought was weird. You just shrugged it off and watched a familiar figure walk to the middle of the gym with a guitar in hand. Luke?

He reached the microphone and looked up into the crowd.

"Is that Luke?" You asked your friends.

"Yeah!" They smiled.

Your heart was pounding, you had a slight idea of what was about to happen.

"Um, hi. For those of you that don't know me, I'm Luke Hemmings. I can kind of sing and play guitar, and I also kind of like this girl in my grade. She's pretty, smart, talented.. and we have the exact same music taste which I find so hot,"

The crowd was a mix of 'awww' and laughing.

"..and I wanted to sing her a song because I have a really important question to ask her."

Your friends started to hit you on the arm and you were smiling so big. It was about you.

He started playing the beginning of 'Somewhere In Neverland' by All Time Low, but he changed the lyrics to the chorus slightly.

"...So here we go again

Wishin' we could start again

Y/N, go to prom with me

I know I sound crazy

Don't you see what you do to me?

I wanna be your lost boy

Your prom date, a better reality

Y/N go to prom with me

I promise if you want just say the word and we'll find a way

I can be your prom date, your last chance

Your "everything better" plan

Oh, somewhere in Neverland."

Once he finished, the crowd roared and you were in literal tears. You practically ran to him and hugged him in the middle of the gym while people watched, and it felt like everyone in the room 'awww'ed in sync.

"So?" He laughed.

"Yes, Luke." You replied, laughing.

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