Calum Hood // Night Walk.

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Calum picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

"Y/N?" He whispered.

"Calum?" You replied.

"It's nice outside.." He looked at you with a grin on his face.

You looked down to your laptop and back to him.

"It's almost one in the morning, what are you getting at?" You raised an eyebrow.

He got up from where he was sitting on the couch and left the room, coming back with his shoes on and your shoes in his hands. He laid them down next to you and closed your laptop slowly.

"Night walk!" He exclaimed.

You laughed and yawned.

"But it's so late, babe." You stretched out your arms and looked at the clock.

He whined and walked over to the door. You sighed, setting your laptop down next to you and putting on your shoes.

"Where are we gonna go?" You smiled as you got up from the couch.

"Dunno. Around the neighborhood?"

You hoped it wasn't cold outside. You were wearing your pajama shorts and one of Calum's large sweaters. You tugged at the sleeves and pulled them over your hands, giving you sweater paws. Calum never really wore this sweater anymore, but it still managed to smell like him. You loved this sweater almost as much as you loved Calum because whenever Calum went on tour with his band, you had his sweater to remind you of him.

Calum opened the door for you and you walked outside. He followed right behind you after locking the door.

He reached down, grabbed your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours. You squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. You both started walking without talking, and you watched Calum look at all of the stars. His eyes were wide and the corners of his mouth were curved upward.
There was a nearby grass park where you guys lived, it's really huge and the grass is always perfectly cut.

"Wanna go to the grass park?" He looked down at you.

You nodded and he smiled and kept walking.

Once you guys reached the park, you followed him as he walked out to the middle of the grass park and sat down. You sat down as well, but the grass was too cold to sit on with bare legs.

"Woah, it's too cold." You said as you quickly sat back up.

Calum had pants on, and he looked up at you and down to his pants. He sat back and stretched his legs out in front of him.

"Here." He smiled.

You laughed and stepped over him. It was a good thing Calum's legs were long, because if they hadn't been, this wouldn't have worked. You sat down on his legs and laid your back on his chest, while he propped both of you up by leaning his arms back.

"Comfortable?" He placed his head in between your neck and playfully bit it, making you giggle. You felt him smile into your neck and then crane his head back to look at the stars.
You grinned and looked back at him. He was watching the stars with his mouth hanging open.

"I've always liked stars." He stated.

You chuckled and looked up too.

"You know what would work better to see the stars?" You asked.

He tilted his head and you got up off of him, making him whine again.

"What're you doing?" He pouted.

"Just lay down."

He did as you said and laid down with his arms under his head.

You laid down next to him and bent your legs so that they weren't touching the cold grass. Now, both of you were looking straight up at the stars. Calum took his hands out from under his head and reached one down to your hand and held it again.

"It's nice out here." You smiled.

"Told ya!" He laughed.

It was silent for a while, the only sound present was the steady, deep lull of yours and Calum's breathing. His thumb was slowly rubbing over your knuckles, this was something he always did when he was feeling romantic. You heard the grass next to your head shift and you turned to see that Calum had turned to face you completely. You did the same.

"Why aren't you looking at the stars?" You said, softly.

He kept rubbing your hand with his thumb and smiled.

"You're the brightest star I know." He grinned.

Your stomach filled up with even more butterflies than before and you couldn't help but smile at him. He brought up his other hand and stroked your cheek slightly, his hand was warm. He was staring you directly in the eyes. You haven't been this mesmerized by Calum in a long time, and you loved it.

"I love you." He mumbled, putting emphasis on the 'you'.

He looked from your eyes to your lips and back up to your eyes. He moved his hand from your cheek to the back of your neck and pulled forward while he moved his neck forward, making your lips touch gently. He quietly kissed your bottom lip, your top lip, your nose, and then your forehead.

"I love you too." You mumbled back.

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hiiii! i hope you enjoyed that (: i'm going to try to write more imagines in my free time, so make sure to follow me if you aren't already! thanks guys!

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