44. 10 Months Strong

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*Abigail's pov*

Its finally been a year. Wow a whole year that's a long time so I better catch you up. Me and Rose now have 6 million subscribers, which is absolutely insane, I've gotten better kind of I also got a new Puppy called Josh (after my brother) he gets along with Lucy (my dog) pretty well there like best friends. I've got my own flat now closer to (what used to be) home, I had to get a flat because I couldn't afford to keep my house. Me and Rose have officially left school. Also Wyatt asked me out, 10 months strong (meaning we have been dating for 10 months). Before I forget me and Rose are also going to LA soon initially we were going to stay at the boys house but now we can afford our own, but that's a story for another day cya later

1 million subscribers has finally come to an end, well sort of its a very messy end but I thought it was kinda dragging on but anyway thank you for reading and voting!!!

The long journey pt.2 here we come!!!

     ~ Shannon

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