42. Or will it

3 0 1

*Roses pov*

Abigail went home with Wyatt last night I really hope she will be alright. My dad had left yesterday afternoon to go to a buisness meeting in Adelaide, Australia which is the same place that Abigails mum and brother are in.

I went downstairs to get my breakfast. I was wearing on of my favourite outfits we had the day of school because of a few broken windows im not too sure how it happened tho :/ a break in or something.

I turned on the tv an they were streaming my favourite show fuller house. Yayyyyy! I was about half way through the program there was an important anouncement thst over took the screen the woman sounded very serouious and upset in the broadcast and judging by her acent she was not from her but from...Australia? I turned the volume up so I could here it better...

------------------------time skip------------------

"no, no, no" I said tears running down my face

"what happened" said my mum rushing into the room

I pointed at the screen that showed a huge building on fire and everything around it too. My mum started crying too...

Thats 4 

4 People lost 

4 CLOSE people lost 

4 For people I cared about 

4 People I will never see again 

*Abigails pov*

I got a text from Rose telling me to check the news channel so I quickely picked up the remote and changed the channel to the news.

"Why" I said tears running down my face 

Wyatt hugged me 

"Why" I repeated "Why is this happening"

"I dont know" said Wyatt starting to cry to 

Thats four. First My dad. then Roses dad. now my mum and my brother. How the hell am I suppost to ever feel better after this... I dont think i will..... Ever... I mean I can try sure but that wont work all I have is Rose, Wyatt and Rose. I looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back, I still have Wyatt.....


well.. em... this is just drama packed XD 

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    ~ Shannon

Also doesn't everyone just love cliff hangers

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