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*Abigail's pov*

Wyatt went and phone/texted everyone to tell them to come over.
I ran upstairs and got changed into something comfy ⬇⬇⬇

Wyatt was right when I walked into the sitting/living room there was TONNES of snacks, there was popcorn; Sweet, salty and sweet & salty, there was ice-cream, all different kinds of flavoured nuts, fruit; like raisins, canned cold coffee/Starbucks...

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Wyatt was right when I walked into the sitting/living room there was TONNES of snacks, there was popcorn; Sweet, salty and sweet & salty, there was ice-cream, all different kinds of flavoured nuts, fruit; like raisins, canned cold coffee/Starbucks, sweets; Starbursts, fudge, fruitella, marshmallows, chocolate and more, there was also Pringles, dorritos (with sour cream and onion and salsa dip) and nachos with cheese

"Wow" I said walking in the room

"Amazing right" Wyatt said walking up behind me

Im gonna be so fat I thought to my self

*Veronica's pov*

We went over to Abigail's for the day and watched a bunch of movies including; The maze runner, The scorch trails and The death cure we only watched all three because Abigail was sad and they are her favourite films, it was already 8pm when the movies all finished and we were going to watching one more but we couldn't decide between a horror or a action eventually we ended up picking the babadook.

"Oh no" said Collins nervously

"Whats wrong" asked Roni confused

"I don't do well with horrors" replied Collins

"Oh" Roni simply said laughing slightly

"Shhhhh its about to start" said Rose hushing everyone

*Rose's pov*

The film ended at around 10pm (idk how long it is) it was so good, it wasn't that scary but collins was terrified (I've never see it before I want to though). After that since Collins, Devan, Veronica and Vanessa hotel and Wyatt and Kai's house was so far away everyone just fell asleep on the sofa and me and Abigail went to her room so everyone had space, I slept on this little pull out thingy that comes out from underneath her bed I think its really cool. We just stayed up till like midnight talking basically about how weird but amazing our lives are because they're pretty sweet.

*Abigail's pov*

"Hey Rose," I said lightly tapping her, "Rose wake up"

"Huh, what" she said confused

"Wake up" I said again

"Oh right waking up that's a thing we do, great" said Rose

"What are you talking about" I asked her confusingly

"I have no idea" said Rose getting up

"Okay then....." I Replied

It was around 7am when we got up and we had school because its was Wednesday, my mum told me I could stay off because of my dad and what not but I said I might as well go to school considering its my last year. This week we get to choose what we wear to school  changed into this really cute/cool outfit I got not long ago ⬇⬇⬇

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