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*Abigail's pov*
I woke up and it was snowing, I was so happy that it snowed this year because it doesn't normally. So I  got up and went to wake up Josh.
" Josh wake up" I said
"huh, what" he replied tiredly 
"it's Christmas" I shouted
He sprung up and ran downstairs I quickly followed him, mum and dad were all ready awake making breakfast.
I was half way down the stairs when I heard my mum shout
"Josh slow down"
And the there was a huge bang, I ran down stairs to see what had happened
When I walked into the kitchen I saw josh lying on the ground and the bin was knocked over.
"Are you okay" I laughed helping him up
"Yeah" he replied 
Then we all sat down and had breakfast

*Rose's pov*
I woke up and looked out my window, It was SNOWING yayyyyy, I love snow. I got up and went downstairs, mum had made breakfast, we sat down and ate it.
"Where is Liam" I asked
"He was staying at a friends house last night he should be back by lunch" My dad told me
"Okay" I replied
I was just scrolling through breakfast,  when I got an twitter notification from the Merrell twins, it said:
YouFest has been moved dates to the 14th - 16th of January, can't wait

I liked the tweet then messaged Abigail

Me: Have you seen the Merrell twins new tweet
A: no
Me: Check it out
*2 mins later*
A: OMG the moved YouFest to the day after my birthday 😵
A: I can't believe it
Me: Ikr its so cool
A: I have to go now Josh wants to open presents
Me: bye

I put my phone down and finished my breakfast, then me and my parents sat on the couch and started exchanging gifts.

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