High School: Popular and Tomboy One Shot

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High School- Popular and Tomboy One-shot

StemiSeddie21Lova Writing Contest Entry.


Tomboy's POV: God..... I have the biggest crush on a huge popular. Two sad parts are I have only spoke to him when I had help or for school. And because he will never notice me. I say that because I am not like the other girls and I am not popular... Well, I am going to skateboard now... Bye!!


Popular's POV: I just realize something because my friends told me. I like a non-popular girl. She is different to me... She is herself no matter what. She is like THE tomboy of the school. Yes, She dresses girly at times but that is because dares. There is something mysterious I realized.... She is broken on the inside.... Bye....


-With the populars-

Friends came over to me and said "Dude... The tomboy is skating again, lets watch"

Everyone got up right away.

When we got outside and looked for her... By the time we found her... She and a random guy was arguing.

We sneaked close to hear them.

The Conversion:

Tomboy: Stay away from me! I don't like you!

Guy: Well.... Too bad!! I like you.

Tomboy: Sorry to break your heart or your "Man Hood" but I like someone else!

Guy: Who?!?!

Tomboy: None of your business! Bye!!

End of Conversion.

We saw the tomboy do tricks and be far away from the guy.

-When its lunch time-

She was with her friends.

He was with his.

Both groups wanted them together.

They thought they were meant to be.

That these two were the big couple for sure.

They weren't talking to each other.

They were both shy.

Both groups looked at each other and nodded.

Popular kids tricked him first and then sent the signal over to them.

Tomboy kids tricked her next into the same dark room.

The groups locked the door on them.

-With the two-

She was pushed in last, She was trying to open the door when she heard his beautiful voice and she froze in place.

He noticed someone else was in there and was trying to open the door.

He said "Its locked".

He turned on the lights and froze.


Popular POV: Oh my god... It is my hugest crush ever... The tomboy of the school. I froze because I thought she looked amazing. I took a closer look at her. She has the most beautiful greenish blue eyes ever! And oh my god the beautiful smile ever! Knock out of it!!!! But... But... She is amazing.


Tomboy POV: I froze in spot to hearing the most beautiful voice ever. His light blue eyes looking at me made me nervous and shy. I'm stuck in a room with my crush.. Oh Shitt!!


Tomboy spoke up and said "I... I noticed its locked.... thanks".

He said "No problem" very light and quiet.

She says "Soo.. your friends tricked you too?" more like a question.

All he did was nod.


-2 hours later-

Popular and Tomboy have got to know each other very well.

They have fallen harder.

Randomly during a sentence, He leaned over and kissed her softly.

She was surprised, but she kissed back.

Out of nowhere the door opens and all they hear is cheers.

The two cute shy ones pull away.

He looks into her eyes and asked shyly "Will you be my girlfriend?"

She says "Yes" with a smile.

They became the 'It' couple that everyone loved.

And through out high school they were together no matter what happened.

They were soul mates.

Popular and Tomboy.

Forever and Always.

The End.


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