"Bellatrix," Voldemort shouted. "That is not your place." He stared at her, unimpressed, for a wile before she started to move back ever so slightly. "Let the boy make his own decision, we'll kill him either way." He smirked.

Delania turned back round to Draco and smiled sympathetically. "I can help you." She whispered. Draco's face turned, he smiled at her and all of a sudden she no longer saw this horrid and fowl Slytherin, she saw a young boy who needed her help. Delania slung her arm round his shoulder and led him back to where the Weasleys were standing. Arthur and Ginny glared at him, whereas Molly smiled, and Fred was just happy that the woman he loved had taken the chance he knew no one else would've taken.

Voldemort didn't look impressed now at all as Neville Longbottom saw that. Neville decided to hobble forward, the death eaters laughed. "Well, I was expecting something more, but you will do."

Neville grinned at the mans stupidity. "I'd like to say something." He stated. "You won't win, even now Harry's gone. Yea, we lost people today, we lost Harry, Remus, Tonks, Monty. They didn't die in vain, but you will, cause you're wrong!" He pulled out a sword and everyone gasped, a young Gryffindor, deemed to be a coward. And he was brandishing a sword.

Then, out of nowhere, Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms and took out his wand. Voldemort looked 'shook' as Monty would say and Delania laughed to herself as she looked over at Draco. "Thank you." He said.

"No problem, family stick together. Get inside!" She shouted over all the celebrations. This was it, Harry and Voldemort in a fight to the death situation. Fred was almost limping inside, but to Delania's delight Draco was helping him. Many students must've thought that it was cliche for him to change this way so quick, but they'd never seen this side of him before like Delania had.

"Crucio!" Someon came up behind Delania. Bellatrix. She shot spells out of nowhere at Delania, obviously getting rid of one Black wasn't enough. Suddenly, she started to shrink and go all wrinkly before bursting into ashes, to reveal George standing behind her. "Not my family you-"

"George!" Delania screamed and ran over to him, she didn't care there was a battle going on. Someone had thrown a rock at his head and now he was bleeding really badly. "George it's okay, it's okay I promise." Delania managed to get his head resting onto her lap but the blood was soaking into her jeans as he lay there. "Molly-!"

"Don't!" George stopped her. "Let me... be with her."


Delania was at a small fire with Draco, Hinny, Fred and the Diggorys. Fred had been crying, but he was almost happy for his brother in a way, no more suffering. George had been a hero when he'd fallen and in return he got to be with Druella. Harry walking in not long after, caused Draco to stand up. Harry gave him a nod and even though it would take him a while to get used to, he'd come to except him.

"Monty would've loved this." Rosie said. Nathan nodded and pulled her closer as Fred did the same.

"So would George." He said quietly, staring into the fire.

Delania smiled. "Do you think they would b laughing at us?" She said, casing everyone to chuckle slightly. She caught Angelina's eye and smiled, Angie was going to Bulgaria to work with dragons like Charlie Weasley, she'd be gone soon enough. Delania also saw Timothy who was huddled in the middle of Seamus and Dean.

"Nia? I think it was really great what you did for Draco." Nathan said, as Draco was now over talking to Luna Lovegood.

"Yeah, I don't think Ron will ever agree with it, but we could just die Ron's hair blonde and see how he likes it then."


They all laughed as the girl sat, fiddling with her locket that Remus had given to her the only Christmas she remembers with her dad. "Whats actually in that, Nia?" Rosie asked.

Delania took the necklace off and swung it in front of her eyes. "Well, it says S&R on the front so the pictures are of my mum and my dad."

Everyone sat and stared at her. "Well open it then." Fred urged her, so she thought, Remus had said not to open it until she felt the need to, what about now? She decided to, clicked it open and started to wonder if she'd never seen this picture of her parents before. When it was open she gasped and everyone leant forward. Tears brimmed in her eyes as Fred saw the pictures inside.

"My parents." Delania whispered as Fred took her hand in his, for inside the locket was a picture of Sirius Black laughing, and Remus Lupin laughing back.

S&R, her parents.


A/N I cried writing this chapter, I've come so far and I want to thank you all. love you xxx

Black's Daughter ➳ F.WNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ