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Author's POV
Three years later...

"I still can't believe that you're actually dating Grant Knoche." Jade huffed, rolling her eyes as she rummaged the closet. "I get that he's good looking and all but c'mon, sis, he's a player."

"Yeah, but people could change, Jade." shrugged Kaycee and Taylor flashed her a smile. "Give him a break."

"Whatever." Jade murmured. "I still prefer the ex but who knows, you might still end up with him. I mean, first love never dies." Jade sniggered.

"Just because you ended up with your first love doesn't mean we all do." Taylor sighed. "You're really lucky with Josh, Jade. When's the wedding, by the way?" At the mention of her wedding, Jade's face immediately lit up and she let out a squeal. Abandoning the closet, she ran to seat beside Kaycee and Taylor.

"We're actually planning to do it before the year ends. You'll be bridesmaids, of course?" Kaycee and Taylor looked bewildered for a moment then nodded. "Great! Dang, I still can't believe that I'm going to marry THE Josh Killacky, like, how cool is that?!"

Kaycee and Taylor laughed. The three of them have gotten really close with each other for the past few years since they lived in the same apartment in New York. Jade pretty much acted like an older sister and the two have witnessed how Jade and Josh's relationship blossomed.

"Hey, are you guys finished packing?" Jade narrowed her eyes at the two who just flashed her an innocent smile. "Ugh, seriously, you guys should do it now. We don't have much time tomorrow, remember, the flight's at three am."

"Right." Kaycee got up to her feet and dragged a scowling Taylor. She knows how much she hates packing. "Come on, Tay, I'll help you."

Tomorrow, for the first time in three years, they're going back to Los Angeles, California where their friends await for them. Kaycee was thrilled at the thought. She missed her friends so much. It's been six months since they last visited her in New York. Everyone was just so busy but now that her schedule's clear, (well, just until next month), she decided to spend her month-long vacation in LA.

A lot have happened in three years. To fill you in, Tahani, Bailey, and Tati are now part of a girl group while Josh, Kenneth, Julian, and Gabe travel around different countries to teach. Sean? Well, he's the busiest. He just got back from a successful ASIA tour with Chris Brown and he's travelling to Europe next month to teach.

Oh, and if you're wondering? Most of them have pretty much followed Sean and Kaycee's steps. Yup, their relationships didn't worked out except for Bailey and Kenneth who's still going strong. They always find time to see each other no matter how busy they get. "They're such goals," according to their friends.

That night, Kaycee, Taylor, and Jade didn't get some sleep. They were so busy with packing that they didn't realised it was already time for them to head to the airport.

"Hurry up, you two!" Jade yelled as she ran downstairs with her luggage. "Or we'll be late for the flight!"

"Yeah, just... one... second..." Kaycee panted, dragging two heavy luggages with her. "God, Tay, what did you put in here? Rocks? It's so heavy."

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