28: New Year at Lew's

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Kaycee's POV

Christmas went by pretty quick. As usual, Mom had overdone herself with the food. My friends and I had a mini Christmas party at Tati's. It was a blast. Sean gave me necklace as a Christmas present.

Though I'm not the type of person to wear necklaces on a daily basis, I find his present sweet and it looks like I'll be wearing it often

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Though I'm not the type of person to wear necklaces on a daily basis, I find his present sweet and it looks like I'll be wearing it often.

I asked him why it's a heartbeat and he just simply said, "Because I love you with every beat of my heart." Cheesy it may sound but dang, you'd never understand how great it is to hear something like that.

We spent the remaining days of December hanging out together and going on dates as much as possible. Before we know it, it's New Year's eve.

"Kaycee, hi!" Miya smiled brightly and pulled me into a hug. "Didn't expect you to come earlier. How's Brad and Laura, by the way?"

"Well, your son here-" I nodded towards Sean's direction. "-was too excited to see me." Miya and I laughed while Sean merely pouted. "Mom and Dad went on date. I guess that's how they planned to spend New Year's." I shrugged.

"Oh, is that so?" Miya raised her eyebrows, nodding. "Well, then I'm leaving you two. Gotta make sure that the food's delicious, you know." She winked and disappeared into the kitchen.

"You're not cooking?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Sean.

"Mom doesn't want me to since I've already cooked for Christmas." He shrugged, putting an arm around me. "But I've helped her with all the baking and stuff."

My mouth formed an "o" and I nodded. He let out a chuckle before beckoning me to follow him upstairs.

"Come on, I'll show you something." He took my hand as he opened the door to his bedroom and we went inside.

The first thing I noticed was his neatly-made bed. Sean's such an organised person. I've been in his a room a couple of times already and it was always clean - which is the total opposite of mine. Don't judge me, okay? I looked around and noticed a pile of papers on his study desk.

"What are those?" I asked. Sean gave me a smile and walked towards the pile, collecting them in his hands before walking back to me.

He handed them over and my eyes quickly scanned it. There were sketches of t-shirts and hoodies, all branded with the word "Lewser". I clapped a hand on my mouth, realising what the sketches are for.

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