Author's Note- It's been a while

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Hello there readers, I'd like to apologize for this long of a delay.
There has been a lot of things going on and I barely ever found enough time to write. But I haven't forgotten about this book or my amazing readers. Thank you so much for reads and the votes, I never knew that this book would receive so much attention and the positive feedback from its readers. I never expected that to happen and all thanks to you guys! I don't think that my words can really explain the appreciation I feel.

Back to the subject, it has been more than just a while since I disappeared without letting anyone know anything. Which, I'm really sorry for doing. But the circumstances were so bad that I couldn't arrange a proper goodbye note and post it on my feed or in this book.
I'm so happy that almost an year has passed since my time in Wattpad (in September this book will be an year old, I think. I'm not so good with specifying dates haha) and in this amount of time, I have learnt so much about writing (you will notice that the chapters on top of this book aren't really well written, the grammar is a little awry or just not that organized. The later chapters, though, I won't say that they are really good but they are organized, spellings and grammar are mostly alright) about the characters I wrote about and of course I had the great opportunity to know you guys. I never knew I would get to talk to the writers whom I have been a fan of, and to write for them. And thanks to all of you, this book had the opportunity to be noticed and read by so many people.
Why the disappearance?:
As you might have noticed that my last update was this year's January and with that the awkward silence, haha. But speaking seriously, I have been going through all these exams and real life problems and what not had me absolutely stressed out, resulting in me losing all my motivation to write. So this resulted me from not coming up with new ideas to write and thus the disappearance. Which I'm sorry again as I didn't even let you guys know about. That's pretty much it I guess...

I really want to update regularly this week but I think I might be unavailable like this from time to time but I don't think that they will be this long of a break.
If you have any questions, please post them in the comments or pm me and I will try my best to answer them. Also, since I was away for this long, if you have any requests or had posted them in my absence then please repost them again in the comments or just pm me, I'm going through old comments and writing about them but just in case I missed someone's request, then let me know. I will be sure to publish them in the future updates. A very good morning/night/evening to all of you and a happy summer! <3

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