(Skyrim) Sheogorath- The Mad-God

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Requested by: ZtingRay
{Note: be warned as there is a very intimate part in this chapter, some readers may find it uncomfortable to read}

"Wonderful! time for a celebration... cheese for everyone! wait, scratch that, cheese for no one that can be just as much a celebration, if you don't like cheese, true?" The mad god laughed heartily but in that charming yet sinister laughter there was a hint of madness, and maybe a shadow of gloom.
There was a secret that her lord was hiding, but it felt like the whole isle knew that but her. It hurt her but why? He was a daedric lord, hated by most of her race, and so much that even uttering a word of liking or worshipping any of them would get a mortal executed and cursed. And here, (y/n), the champion of Cyrodiil was feeling affections for him, Sheogorath...The Daedric Lord Of madness.
"Don't...don't attach yourself to a daedra... they play with souls, your feelings...your heart's desires are of no value to them" (y/n) forced a smile "I'm delighted to be of use in this quest oh lord... what shall be my next task?" (y/n) replied with great humbleness and a hint of elegance in her voice.
"The answer is simple ye simpleton, prepare yourself for the Greymarch" the cheerful and happy voice suddenly changed to a darker and grim tone "He must be stopped or His order shall destroy and darken my poor Shivering Isles... well until it heals itself of course haha!" Sheogorath laughed again as if he cracked a joke "no seriously, it's no time for jokes of course" he later added.
"If I may" (y/n) spoke after a moment's pause "who is He?"
"Oh! You're still 'ere? Well makes sense, I don't remember barking at you to get out! Hah!... a little joke there" he replied grinning but seeing the champion unamused, he stopped laughing "Jyggalag! He is the Prince Of Order! Or biscuits... no Order! And not in a good way. Bleak. Colorless. Dead. Boring, boring, boring! And not a fan of my work, I can tell you. Hates it, hates me! You've seen his knights. Not the warm and cuddly sort." Sheogorath yawned.
"I'm more than certain that nobody may stop you now, I will help you and with all my might" (y/n) proudly replied
"Reaaaally?!" Sheogorath looked at her with amused eyes "hah! You may have stopped the daedra Mehrunes Dagon from destroying your precious, precious Cyrodiil. But how will you stop this daedra if there are no avatars of aedra or me to help ya? Eh?" Sheogorath replied bitterly, it was certain that his mood changed very fast.
"Why? Where will you go?" The champion was indeed surprised, she began to think if he was jesting again
"As sad as it is, I must take my leave as Jyggalag arrives. As it has been always the way, as it is always be" he smiled at her
"I see... I shall try my best and defeat him" (y/n)'s courage did not waver.
"Of course you will, but if ye die, I will have no use of yer corpse haha! Now get out and mind the task at hand... or I'll pluck yer eyes out! Haha!" Sheogorath could say the bitterest words while laughing as if he was jesting.

The lands are slowly crumbling, the crystalline knights and sages have surrounded the isles. The ivory crystals bursted through the ground and corrupted the colorful flora if it was surrounding it.
There was a great need for the champion of Cyrodiil to be on the frontlines at this disastrous moment but her lord came first. (Y/n) was summoned at utmost urgency and there was no way she could ignore it.
"Have you need of me, my Lord?" (Y/n) rushes into the throne room, but just after those words, her voice was stuck in her throat as only a quiet and surprised gasp escaped her lips.
The lighted halls and beautifully colored walls are now almost bleak, the cheerful and royal atmosphere only gave off a cold and unwelcome aura, there was only darkness in the throne room.
Except for the grand window that emanated the last rays of the sun, someone was standing by the window... it was none other than the mad god himself.
(Y/n) began to approach him slowly, it was so quiet that even the stealthiest move would echo. As she did so, she saw her lord standing silently, staring at the ground, holding his staff. The silvery strands were covering his eyes except for his usual smirk and the strong jawline.
"This is it..." he spoke quietly and mournfully, but the smile persisted to die
"The Order knights have breached the grounds near the palace... as it depresses me to say this, the knights will have the castle invaded very soon I'm afraid" (y/n) said as she stood beside him
"And the Prince Of Order arrives..." she added, gazing at the setting sun
"I know... I find myself loosing my consciousness... I find myself slipping away... I don't feel like me anymore" he said with that same mourning
"I deeply apologize to have failed you my lord, may my soul rot in the depths of Oblivion" (y/n) replied with great regret and hatred, her voice sounded as if she was about to break into tears
"Poor little thing, how adorable you are. Taking a blame on your head... which doesn't even belong to ya" Sheogorath's smile returned as he turned his gaze at (y/n) "how 'bout I uncover a secret that I've been hidin for this long? Huh?" He mysterious said
"W-what do you mean?...!" The female was visibly surprised.
The mad god walked a few steps closer to her, seeing her look away from him, he turned her head towards him by her chin "look at my eyes..." he whispered and smiled.
The female nervously met his gaze, while trying her best to be as calm and not to blush but the soft and slightly cold touch of his on her face, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.
The Lord Sheogorath leaned closer to her ear, eventually enclosing her in his embrace. "I had grown fond of you my champion... there were times when I had thoughts about you... sometimes beautiful... sometimes sinful..." he whispered in her ear while lovingly embracing her, hiding his face in her long (h/c) tresses.
(Y/n) shivered as she felt his breath on her neck and followed by his lips on her bare shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him, she couldn't help but detect sadness the way he spoke those words, and knowing her lord, he wasn't the one to be melancholic
"This might be the last time we speak my lovely" Sheogorath continued
"My lovely?" (y/n) surprised by hearing him say that
"This might be the last time we stand in each other's embrace...(y/n)" he sighed and pulled back from the embrace, only to caress her face and gaze deeply in her eyes "as the ruler of The Order is me... I am Jyggalag... before you kill me and save my land for good, I wanted to share these last moments with you..." he said with great sadness but still a painful smile curling his lips
"No... I cannot..." (y/n) felt the whole world's burden break on her shoulder as her heart began to sink in melancholy
"I trust you dear (y/n), bring peace to my land...won't you?" Sheogorath replied.
The mad god didn't let his champion speak anymore, he gently pulled her to a loving kiss, as he wanted her to know that he cared before he faded.
So was a last display of love the Prince Of Madness showed before he faded, only to exist as a bittersweet memory in (y/n)'s mind. His champion, his land's savior and secretly his lover.....

(Author's note)
Happy Halloween! 🎃 (well in advance hehe) I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know it has been a long time since I updated. I'm going through some emotional problems but I'm fine! Just wanted to give a reason to the delay. Thanks for reading, the story is set in the Shivering Isles dlc of Elder Scrolls IV if you were wondering.

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