(WoW) Arthas- The Icy Heart

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(h/c) hair slid across her shoulders as she jumps off the elm tree and gracefully lands on the ground, stands up tall as her (e/c) eyes search for something in the horizon.

"they're gone, (y/n)" a familiar voice speaks to you from behind, you look back to see a tall and equally beautiful ranger looking at you with a smile

"Sylvanas..." you smile at her, as Sylvanas pulls her hood down revealing her strawberry blonde hair and walks to you "are you certain they are?" (y/n) asks her

"you always worry... excessively" Sylvanas teased "I'm a ranger general but at least I'm not that worried, trust in yourself and us" Sylvanas said laughing.

"but isn't it a bit unusual? Undead? This far off?" (Y/n) asked, fear in her voice

"Three ghouls? Must be some necromancer's leisure summons gone rabid" Sylvanas scoffed "and besides, we had a tedious day tracking them before they decided to "ambush" us... I'd say tracking them was hardest and killing them wasn't" Sylvanas said as she began to walk towards Silvermoon as the other two archers followed the lady.

"but..." (y/n) was interrupted by the ranger "we should return to our respective homes, farewell sister" she said as she walked off, archers following her.

But Sylvanas's lighthearted words didn't sent peace to (y/n) mind, she stood there looking at the ancient forest as the faint sun rays of evening made the forest look pristine, but a breeze of icy cold wind seemed to have been a dark foretelling. (Y/n) sighed and began to follow the ranger general, praying to the sun that nothing happens as she fears on their beautiful Silvermoon.

On the borders of Lordaeron, Arthas had set up a base camp for all of his troops as more were being slaughtered, summoned and risen anew to bolster his ranks to fight off Uther and retrieve the ashes of his father. As he was waiting for the troops to be ready, he was sitting on his horse, Invincible, and was looking at a small locket with a beloved face carved on it. Arthas stared with his icy blue eyes at the carving and touched it with his thumb "Jaina..." he thought as a wave of sweet memories of her rushed through his mind and even his icy heart now felt...melancholy. Ever so slowly he and carefully he put back the locket back in his pocket, he doesn't desire to be seen grief and love stricken, he was an undead prince now.

It was a busy day in Silvermoon as always, you were checking maps and discussing about the forest with Sylvanas and your fellow rangers. But the lighthearted atmosphere was broken by a scout who ran in horror with grave news but he was shot by an arrow out of nowhere and fell dead on the ground. (Y/n) and others ran to dead body, you inspected the arrow and saw that it was dark, wilted and bore the same sign you saw on those ghouls "I told you we were in danger!" you shouted in horror.

Arthas and his army easily broke the small elven settlement ahead of them. There were only a few rangers defending the base but soon Arthas was greeted by a small army of elven soldiers led by Sylvanas as she called herself and (y/n). Arthas found (y/n) interesting, the way she fought and the way she is, was certainly different in his eyes. He can dismiss (y/n) as any normal elf but he couldn't, the reason he knew not.

However the elven soldiers were killed but Sylvanas and (y/n) escaped.

As the sun began to set, Arthas was walking around the forests of Quel'thalas as his horse was standing near the trees and sometimes running around, Arthas looked at the trees. "Such beauty and enchanted energy bind these forests... I wonder how'd they look if burning and elven corpses hanging from those branches" a sadistic smile curled up his pale lips.

"Not going to happen until I'm here" a woman's voice said in a very angry and stern tone as she shot an arrow to the death knight. Arthas caught the arrow with his single hand and looked behind him. (Y/n) was standing a few inches away from him as she held a dagger at his throat.

"You...do know how much of a danger you are in now, don't you?" Arthas laughed at the reckless bravery of (y/n)

"I don't care, as long as I kill you!" She said angrily.

The Death Knight swiftly grabbed hold of (y/n)'s hand and pulled it behind her back, with her back facing his chest. Arthas chuckled as she struggled to free herself "now, now..." he whispered a taunt in her ear as he held the Frostmourne at her neck.

The cold blade directly against your skin and howls of soul screeching in your ears "you are indeed not a fool" you smiled as you quickly teleported away from him. You saw his glares at you before you disappeared completely in seconds.

In a matter of few weeks, the undead scourge had destroyed everything the Quel'dorei used to call home and raised the fallen elves, including you and Sylvanas. But you were raised in corporeal form but her as a banshee. You helped the scourge fighting the mages of Dalaran and the summoning of Archimonde, you didn't have a choice, much to your sadness. And at one point you were left in Lordaeron with the Lich Kel'thuzad, to protect the dead kingdom.

It has been a long time since those painful event came to pass, and both of you and Sylvanas now fight for the scourge. Arthas trusted the safety of Lordaeron and perhaps you in the hands of Kel'thuzad.

You always had noticed that after you were bought into his ranks, Arthas had been exceptionally protective of you. He always had desired to keep you by his side and he did always had a shade watch over you when you were on a mission. Almost had you wonder sometimes if he was affectionate of you, but he was too heartless to be that way as you'd think.

However, after a long time Arthas did return to Lordaeron. All of the undead destroyed the remaining people living in the city, but soon after you overheard Sylvanas speaking with the dread lords and you knew she would betray sooner or later, you began to device a plan.

Outside the castle of Lordaeron, Sylvanas and her banshees awaited the death knight's arrival. And you awaited for her to attack Arthas as he'd pass.

Soon he arrived and you saw her, loading her bow with an arrow that dripped poison. You loaded your bow, but pointed it to hers.

You saw the banshees talking with Arthas and Sylvanas only waited for him to be distracted. She shot the arrow but deflected that arrow by your own, Sylvanas looked at you with utter disbelief from afar before running away and disappearing in the forest. You smiled but instead of facing Arthas and getting rewarded for saving him, you simply walked into the forest.

After a while, (y/n) sat near a lake. The water shining like glitter under the moonlight, she sighed at the serenity of her surrounding.

"You saved me didn't you?" A familiar voice spoke to you, you look behind you to see Arthas standing right beside you.

"King Arthas... it was merely my duty as your death knight" (y/n) replied as she stood up

"That maybe so..." Arthas said, not really taking your words as the truth

"I always have seen you... after becoming an undead that you were very protective of me... I wonder why..." (y/n) gently asked him

"I always found you interesting..." Arthas turned to you, walking closer. Taking your hand in his "Dare I say, I grew fond of you..more than I'd think...your presence was soothing, I'd treasure your smile even though you seldom did smile, and your melodic voice reminds me of a sweet memory which I would never forget, even if I wanted to." he whispered, looking at your (e/c) eyes as he rested his forehead on yours.

You look at him, captivated by his icy eyes and silky, silver hair brushing on your cheeks. Arthas holds your cheek "(y/n)... I love you..." he whispered as you notice a smile in his lips. Slowly you felt his face getting closer, you close your eyes and then your lips touch his. You gently embrace him as he embraces you, the moon being the spectator of this unique love....

(Author's Note)

And that was the, undead love... get it? Get it? Anyway, it took a long time for me write this but I enjoyed it just as much. At one point it looked like I lost half of the story, I was petrified but fortunately I had those copied in Notepad so yay!. Let me know your thoughts and requests, have a great day! Cheers!

Of Fond Memories [Skyrim and WoW one shots] (Requests Closed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن