Chapter Fifteen "Introductions"

Start from the beginning

            "My ladyship, may I present my sister, Miss Faith Stanhope," Patience said moving to her sister's side.

            "Very lovely," Lady Edgehill remarked moving around Faith, "a most elegant young lady."

            "Thank you, Lady Edgehill," Faith replied lowering her eyes.

            "Compliments such as mine should be met with resolute eye contact, Miss Stanhope. I do not compliment easily so when I do, you have rightfully earned it." With that Lady Edgehill turned to me, "And this . . . "

            "This is my husband's sister, Miss Margaret Woodbridge," Patience said, her voice took on a less accepting tone.

            "Such fine prospects you have brought to us, Mrs. Woodbridge," Lady Edgehill said moving around me as she did Faith a moment ago. "Why have we not met you before?"

            "This is her first time in Society," Patience inserted.

            Lady Edgehill stopped and turned to Patience, "You mean she did not have a debut?"

            "She has not . . . "

            "Only because I lost my parents before coming of age," I interrupted. If Patience wanted me in Society so much she was not going to paint me in such an inferior light.

            "Margaret," Patience's voice cracked with disdain.

            "No, no," Lady Edgehill soothed as she moved to stand in front of me, "well child, if you lost your parents before your debut, who raised you? They are the ones that should have introduced you to Society."

            "My brother and his wife," I glanced at Patience with a bit of satisfaction as Lady Edgehill turned to her.

            "Oh Mrs. Woodbridge, to deny Society of this lovely creature would be a great crime!" She took my hand and led me to the middle of the room where she circled me again, "We will debut you here, my dear."

            "What?" I asked unsure of what I just got myself into.

            "Oh dear Lady Edgehill, we do not want to impose . . . " Patience stammered.

            "It is no imposition at all," Lady Edgehill smiled in satisfaction, "I will organize the debut myself and I will even sponsor her at Court."

            "No, please . . . " I started, my worried eyes searched out Faith who remained standing stoically.

            "Shush," Lady Edgehill said placing her delicate hand on my arm, "it is my pleasure . . . as it will be my son's." With that the doors opened and a handsome young man sauntered into the room, "Ah, Thomas!"

            "Yes, Mother?" he said walking up to her and giving her a kiss on her cheek just as his father had done earlier.

            "Thomas, I want to introduce you to these young ladies who will be staying with us," she turned to Patience who was still dumbfounded about the current news, "this is Mrs. Woodbridge, an acquaintance of ours, and her sister, Miss Stanhope," Faith immediately curtsied.

            "I believe we have met," Thomas bowed, "last year?"

            "We did, Mr. Edgehill," Faith grinned slightly.

            "It is good to see you again."

            "Thomas," his mother called his attention back to her, "and this is Miss Woodbridge. We will be hosting her debut."

            "Debut? Is that so?" he turned to me and Faith had not been dishonest at all regarding how handsome he was. He was tall, much like his father, with a pleasing countenance, but he had his mother's gentle curls. "That means my mother has great hopes for you. I am pleased to meet you," he bowed with a smile that gave way to a crease in one cheek.

            "Pleased to meet you," I curtsied. I was surprised I was able to form the words at all and I was sure that I was staring a bit.

            "I am sorry that I have to greet and leave, but I am expected elsewhere," he smiled at everyone and nodded before starting for the door.

            "Elsewhere?" his mother's voice raised an octave as she asked the question.

            "Yes, Mother, I am expected."

            "But we have such lovely guests . . . "

            "We do," he looked at Faith and then me, "and I will be a better host tomorrow."

            "Tonight, Thomas," a decisive tone in her voice, "You will be home for supper."

            He stopped in the doorway and heaved a sigh, "All right then, I will be home for supper."

            "Thank you," Lady Edgehill gave him a smile.

            "Oh and Mother?"

            "Yes dear?"

            "I approve," he gave a cheeky nod and left.

            I turned to Faith who could only shrug at me, but when I saw Patience, she was positively smug with herself and when she saw me looking in her direction, there was a self-gratifying gleam in her eye. I felt as if I had fallen into a trap and I did not even know it.

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