Chapter 32 - Shin

Start from the beginning

Out of a field we stand facing each other 5 feet apart. Grabbing one loose bandage on my arm I undo all of the bindings and flex. I crouch slightly as she leans forward and charges at me. When she is a foot from me my fist connects with her stomach and twists [Soft Twirling Fist]. Her body comically bends in a < shape as her organs ripple and a mouthful of blood spews out of her mouth. She then staggers back clutching her stomach with a stream of blood running down the side of her mouth. I ask her "Do you want to continue?". A frown appears on her face and her companion moves to my right side in a crouch with his right arm drawn back. 'Hmph!'. My right hand flashes as I backhand him and he flies away creating a shockwave. The white robed woman crouches once again and I appear right in front of her with my left leg raised. When the attack descends a crater is made and her figure lies prone on the floor.

I snort then hear a calm voice "That was very good. But lets see you face someone with real power". A lean handsome man garbed in a black robe who has a katana and wakizashi on his left side addresses me. He continues "My rank is Dark 3. The kid you faced was weak so your win against him doesnt count". I shrug and rotate my shoulderblades before grinning at him and asking "You had better know how to use both the katana and wakizashi". The way I said it was completely harmless but he understood the threat and crouches while putting his right hand on his hilt in one swift movement. I hear a low groan and see that the white robed woman is attempting to speak "So...its..true...what 3 said was true..." A shudder comes from her body before she continues "The one with darkness will come into the universe...however what we will originally see will be a mere imitation of the True Darkness that he holds inside". A cough escapes her lips before she screams with anxiety and alarm "SHINN!! YOU MUST NOT CHALLENGE HIM!! IF YOU DO YOU WILL-" I tap her neck lightly with the side of my left palm silencing her. "Someones been talking about me huh...Ill need ta pay the kid a visit". I turn to Shin and see that there is a hint of fear on his eyes and I ask "You wanna withdraw? It will disappointing but I dont mind". Rage and insanity flares in his grey eyes and he says coldly "Jay. I challenge you to a fight. If I win you will become my subordinate and if I lose I will become yours to do with as you please. Do you accept these terms?". A twisted dark grin comes on my face - Not of my choosing of course. I cough to hide it and say "I accept". Shin draws his katana in a single fluid movement and holds it with both hands. I lean forward..then a SHING is heard as my body darts forward in a blur. I skid a little appearing to his left as my hands shoot out in the shape of eagle claws. His blade flashes in the sunlight, a beautiful spectacle as he blocks all the attacks and launches counter attacks. My body moves on its own dodging and blocking his attacks. Suddenly Shin withdraws holding his katana in his right hand and draws his wakizashi and places it in his left hand. I nod once and put a hand on my right shoulder fixing the bone and strengthening it. I crouch slightly as his katana comes into view near my right eye. My right hand comes up to meet it and my warded knuckles scrape across the sharp metal and my left fist aims for his stomach as his wakizashi slices in an arc towards my head. I lean forward rolling to Shin's left under his short blade and run to his back. He spins around and strikes gracefully with his wakizashi aiming for my stomach. I jump in response and then realize what he intends to do then smirk at its futility. His katana shoots outward aiming to spear me like a piece of meat but my right foot counters his blade landing on the dull edge. Shin quickly withdraws and I follow punching downwards which is blocked with his short blade. I pivot on my right foot sending a wide arced kick towards him. He attempts to cut of my limb with his katana but the trajectory changes as my leg shimmers and connects with his stomach. He bends over as blood spews out of his mouth and I move backwards. Then Shin's face turns unsightly and he discards both blades. I frown before seeing Shin draw 2 new blades and these ones gleam with an unnatural sheen. He draws the blades out of their scabbards and faces me again saying "I only use these blades against those of rank 1 and 2. Dont disappoint me". I nod then stretch my right arm, then my left, back, then my legs. Shin's figure flashes and I see a short sword flash. I manage to move slightly out of the way and get a small cut on my cheek. I frown 'This low level of power wont be enough..I need to ramp it up'. My dark golden eyes gleam then become a lighter shade. My field of vision changes to black and white and I see the wakizashi dart towards me aiming to slash my right shoulder while the katana aims to bisect me from the middle. I crouch making the short sword miss its target then move under the short blade as I jump upwards and the katana whistles by. I touch ground and backtrack as a flurry of blade attacks come at me. This time I do not attempt to block but just evade all the attacks coming towards me. Metal hisses past my ear by half a centimetre, another sound indicates that I would have lost a limb if I had been a fifth of a second slower. 'With my left eye I can see all his movements with perfect clarity before he makes them. It also improves my visual field so I have a 360 degree view and see everything in high quality...but I havent yet tested the limits of either eye. Heck I havent even really used the right one except for a single teleportation'. As his katana comes in a deadly arc I imagine the metal twisting like a double helix 'Twist'. The blade twists dramatically and then bends upward missing my body entirely. I grin and my palm shoots out hitting him in the stomach. Shin staggers back and I follow with claws. The first almost knocks aside his short sword but he manages to hold his katana steady. His katana slashes down which I easily dodge and I counter by throwing a left hook to his face. He narrowly dodges while bringing up his wakizashi trying to slash my face diagonally. I crouch and my fists shoot out causing a poof sound. I step back and frown "Hmm..and here I thought someone of your rank would have some power. Like the rest you're also all mouth with no strength to back it up". Desperation flares in his eyes and I quickly add "Please dont do it..itll be a waste because then youll need to recover when the result was already set in stone". That does it and his anger flares along with his blood. His skin then turns red and he charges again ripping the earth like a toy. 'Time to get serious...I may not be able to dodge yet'. A blade hisses and comes toward my stomach. I get a slim slash on my waist and Shin charges again both blades hissing as they arc with fury. 'Fine then...I'll show you a glimpse'. I jump back getting slashed horizontally on the check. I put my left leg forward and bend my right knee slightly before putting my right hand in front of me on the ground and my left spread out at my side. 

My body stiffens and purple lightning and dark blue energy surges around my body in the form of snakes. The blades descend in their killing arcs and I stay in my position. At the very last instant I move and the surrounding area implodes and the air and space time becomes chaotic for an instant. I see nothing but white for 3 seconds before it dulls down and I view the battlefield. Shin and me stand in a desolated area, the hole we are in is about a hundred feet deep creating a large fissure. Shin has a fist sized hole on his right shoulder while my body is heavily scarred with blade strikes. Shin then discards his ruined blades and brings his fists up in a boxing stance. I discard my robes and wear the Imperial armour with the chinese style flats and golden bracers. I raise my own hands slightly and my hands curve slightly. Shin charges once again and my hands change form into large claws which cover the skies. 'Hmph, a mere sword artist who attempts to use fist arts in his madness...just die'. As the male figure charges ebony shining claws descend far faster than the mere human eye can perceive and in a mere fraction of a second the male body which was just charging becomes a deformed wreck.

I snort again and jump out the crater, I walk back to my room, strip then lie on the bed before falling into a dream.


On a stone path a man stands in front of a golden gate that reaches the heavens. On the other side it contains beings with auras of tremendous power and vitality. The gate rumbles once and this simple movement appears the destabilize the whole world it is in. The doors on either side slightly part and a tiny stream of blue energy darts out of the opening - The gate shuts closed and the stream forms into a towering elephant like creature with a green hide and 2 large black horns from either side of it trunk. the creature roars with loathing at the light skinned male "YOU DAMNED PEST!! HOW DARE YOU LOCK ME UP IN THAT GODFORSAKEN AREA?!!" The man replies calmly "It would seem that the Order still keeps these revolting creatures. It amazes me that you all havent been slaughtered like the fiends you are".
The elephant like creature roars again "I will kill you human. I WILL REND THE FLESH FROM YOUR BONES AND KEEP YOUR SKELETON AS A TROPHY!!".
The person from the Order frowns slightly and a dark light flashes in his eyes as a sword appears in his right hand. His lips part slightly as he says "I was ordered to check the condition of the Gate that reaches the heavens..alas you have come out so now you will die". Impressive sword intent surges from his body as he raises his blade in a fluid arc. To others it would seem that this mans body itself is a sharp blade that would easily cut everything in its path leaving no quarter.
However, even though the human is strong how could the Fiendgod possibly retreat or show fear..? By nature they are a strong race which love to fight, so the innate arrogance of these beings will not let them submit until they are near death. The gigantic elephant which stands hundreds of feet tall roars once again "I, the Fiendgod Greenback Mammoth will kill you human! Then I will go to your Order which was involved in enslaving my kind and eradicate them!!".
And with that the Fiendgod charged in his rage which has lasted for millennia..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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