The next day after school, Evan goes to Jared's house to write the emails. Jared takes out his laptop and began to write.

Dear Evan Hansen, we've been way too out of touch. Things have been crazy, and it sucks that we don't talk that much. But I should tell you that I think of you each night. I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight!

"Why. Would you write that?" Yelled Evan.

"I'm just trying to tell the truth." Jared explained.

"You know, if you're not going to take this seriously-" He was cut off.

"Okay, you need to calm yourself."

Jared ignored him. "This needs to be perfect. These emails have to prove that we were actually friends. They have to be completely realistic."

Jared sighed and looked at the ceiling. "There is nothing unrealistic about the love that one man feels for another."

"Just, let's go back." He muttered.

"In fact, some would say there's something quite beautiful."

"Let's just go back, Jared!" Yelled Evan. She seriously grab the laptop from Jared and started typing.

I got to tell you, life without you has been hard.

Jared laughed. "Hard?"

Has been bad.

This time he spoke blandly. "Bad?"

Has been rough.

Jared chuckled, a smile growing. "Kinky."

And I miss talking about life and other stuff.

"Very specific," said Jared, sarcastically.

Evan rolled his eyes. "Shut up."

I like my parents.

"Who says that?"

I love my parents. But each day's another fight. If I stop smoking drugs, and everything might be alright.

"Smoking drugs?" Jared made air quotes.

Evan groaned in frustration. "Just fix it!" He shoved the laptop to Jared.

"This this isn't realistic at all. It doesn't even sound like Connor."

Evan looked at askance. "I want to show that I was, like, a good friend. That I was trying to help him. You know?"

Jared held in laughs. "Oh my god.."

Jared started typing.

If I stop smoking crack.

Evan, aghast, said, "Crack?"

If I stop smoking pot than everything I might be all right. I'll take your advice, I'll try to be more nice, I'll turn it around. Wait and see.
Cuz all that it takes is a little reinvention. It's easy to change if you give it your attention. All you got to do, is just believe you can be who you want to be. Sincerely, Me.

"Are we done yet?" Groaned Jared.

Evan started to panic. "I can't just show them one email."

"Okay. Please stop hyperventilating!"

"I'm not hyperventilating.."

Jared raised an eyebrow. "You're having considerable trouble breathing."

"I'm having no trouble breathing." Evan argued.

"Do you need a paper bag to breathe in?"

"I am NOT HYPERVENTILATING! Just keep writing."

Dear Connor Murphy, yes I also miss our talks. Stop doing drugs just try to take deep breaths and go on walks.

Jared and rolled his eyes as he groaned, "No."

I'm sending pictures of the most amazing trees.


You'll be obsessed with all my forest expertise.

He tried holding and laughs, "Absolutely not."

Dude, I'm proud of you just keep pushing through. You're turning around I can see. Because all that it takes is a little reinvention. It's easy to change if you give it your attention. It's like you said, all you have to do is just believe you can be who you want to be. Sincerely, Me.

"My sister's hot!" Exclaimed Jared.

Evan turned to Jared as he glared. "What the hell?"

"My bad," he mumbled.

Dear Evan Hansen, thanks for every note you send.

Dear Connor Murphy, I'm just glad to be your friend. Our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond. But obviously not because we're gay. We're close but not that way the only man that we would love is our fathers. Well anyway you're getting better everyday. Sincerely, Me

"Great, now we just print them out." Said Jared.

Evan smiled. "Yeah."

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