Letting go of Kylo's hand as you could feel him shake, you rubbed his lower back while you walked alongside him, entering the dining room and seeing a long, dark wooden table, filled with food.

"How did you make so much in such short time?" You asked as Leia shook her head.

"I actually bought it all, I wasn't sure what Ben liked..." Leia said with a small smile as Kylo shook his head.

"You— You shouldn't have." He said, eyeing the array of food.

"Look, you're a big guy and I'm sure Snoke hadn't fed you well. Well, when you were growing up. And, it's no big deal, your father and sister eat for four people." She teased as Rey rolled her eyes.

"I do not..." She grumbled but Leia gave her a look, as if saying sure.

"Sorry I took so long, I—" Stopping mid sentence as the old man walked into the room, everyone turned and eyed him. "Oh, they're here." He said as you blinked, eyebrows lifting at the sight.

Then, there was Kylo. With wide eyes and stutter in his heartbeat, he fell still. He was staring. The man before had struck something in him, as if a memory long lost. And it was a long lost memory that hit him. "Dada..." Kylo mumbled as your eyebrows narrowed, looking up at him—as everyone else had.

Gulping in his spot as the old man stared back at him, his heart dropped to his feet as his eyes widened. "Ben?" He muttered, but shook his head. "No..."

"It's him." Leia nodded as she walked over to her husband. "It's Ben... Or, Kylo."

"Kylo?" The man narrowed his eyebrows. "What the hell is a Kylo?"

"Snoke named me Kylo Ren..." Kylo spoke up. "That's the only name I ever knew..."

At the sound of Snoke, he snarled. He hated that man. He always believed he was the one who took his bandit from him. "Well, you're Ben Solo to me."

Nodding, Kylo gulped. "I don't know your name..." He frowned as the old man took in a deep breath.

"Han... Han Solo. Your father that never gave up on finding you." He said as he eyed his son with narrowed eyebrows and watery eyes.

Giving Kylo a small nudge, insisting he greet his father properly, he walked over to Han, unsure of what to do.

"27 years..." Han muttered before grabbing Kylo and pulling him into a tight embrace, bitting down as he held his son close. "It's about damn time!"

Hearing a sad laugh come from the old man, Kylo wrapped his arms around Han, easing into the embrace. It felt so familiar, it felt like he had been in those arms before... as a child. And he had. And he missed them.

Smiling at the sight, you couldn't help but take a photo of it: just like when he and Leia hugged.

Pushing back and looking at Kylo, Han took in a deep breath. "You're so damn tall and... All muscle... Bigger than me..."

"Well, when you have a false father like Snoke and zero social skills... You've only got yourself... And I put all my focus on me." Kylo said as Han sucked in a breath.

"There's so much we have to know." Leia chimed in. "But we should eat, I don't want to keep Y/N starving." She said as you shook your head with a small smile.

"Or me." Rey chipped in but Leia nudged her.

"Forgive me, I completely dismissed this young lady." Han said as he looked over at you. "Y/N? Right?" He asked as you nodded. "Leia talks a lot about you."

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