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Humming from the elevator you were standing in sounded as you kept your focus on the blinking lights. 30... 31... 32... 33... Watching and waiting as you shifted from foot to foot, heels suddenly feeling uncomfortable as the pencil skirt you were wearing felt too tight, you sucked in a breath. It had been a while since you had been to a major meeting where all of the top levels of management were there.

Actually, you couldn't remember the last time... The previous CEO hardly held meetings, he had the management directors handle those.

Tapping your foot, anxiously waiting to arrive at the 50th floor, you rubbed your hands together. The First Order had the same CEO for over 30 years, and now—all of a sudden—there was a new one?

Well... there had to have been, Snoke had passed away. Something you still hardly knew about. Word never spread, only the matter that he had died and nothing else. No one knew anything, not even the higher ups.

Plus, who was Kylo Ren anyway? You've heard about him, but he was still a mystery to you. No one really spoke about him unless he had to be mentioned... And, even then, not much was mentioned.

He was more of an enigma than anything else.

In your head, he was just some old man, maybe not as old as Snoke—plenty said Kylo Ren was like a son to him—so he must've been in his... 50's? Snoke was way into his 80's and was still kicking, so this... Kylo Ren person had to be in his mid to late 50's... Maybe even 60's...

Hearing the ding of the elevator as it snapped you out of your deep thoughts, your heart skipped a beat just as the doors slid open. Sucking in a small breath and taking your first step out, you followed the path you knew that would lead to the conference room. 99.9% of the time, conference meetings hardly had any affect on you, usually because they were smaller and were amongst the other presidents and some general managers... But now, with nearly everyone and a new CEO you had never met before? Your nerves were all over the place.

"Keep your cool, you're a professional woman..." You thought to yourself as you walked along the carpeted ground beneath your heels. You were greeted by a few familiar faces that sat amongst their cubicles before you arrived at the mahogany doors. You knew you were a bit early, but you'd rather be safe than sorry.

Pushing the doors open and seeing a few other higher ups standing by the wall of glass windows, you settled your things on your assigned seat before walking over. "Look who's arrived." Mitaka, one of the VP's, called to you.

"I'm not late." You breathed, standing before the small group.

"We were just surprised you weren't the first to be here." He teased as you rolled your eyes. "Nothing bad, you're just always the first, Y/N."

Sighing, you nodded. "I know, I know. There was more... traffic along the sidewalks today." You shrugged.

"Why don't you just drive here like we all do?" Phasma, a fellow president, asked but you shrugged. "There's a garage for a reason with reserved parking."

"I live pretty close by, it saves gas and money." You simply answered, but the small group gave you a look as if you were ridiculous. "What?"

"Saves money? Really? We get paid so well, Y/N. That should be the least of your worries." Mitaka scoffed. "How about someone robbing you? Kidnapping you? Stabbing you—"

"Whoa, relax, I'm prepared. The only thing I have to worry about is breaking a heel or nail if someone tries anything funny." You shook your head with a small grin as Phasma snickered.

"Women aren't always defenseless or in distress, Mitaka." She said over to the man beside her as he lifted his hands up in defense. "We can handle ourselves." She lifted her chin while give his back a pat—well, smack, with the harsh impact it made, causing him to grunt.

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