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There, standing before you, drenched from head to toe due to the downpour was Kylo. His hair looked like a wet mop, sticking to his forehead and cheekbones as his shirt clang to his chest. And just by standing there for so long, you were starting to look like him with how much rain water your coat could only hold.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you." He lifted his hands in defense as you took in deep breaths. "Please... Please just hear me out—"

"How did you find me?" You suddenly asked as you began to tremble.

"Phasma." He breathed. "She helped me find you."

Narrowing your eyebrows, you blinked. "Why?" You questioned.

"Because, she knows the truth—"


"About how I feel. About what I really feel about you, Y/N." Kylo said before sucking in a deep breath as you eyed him. Although not that great of a distance between the two of you, there still was some. "Y/N... I know, I know I've been an asshole about it all. I mislead you. I did you wrong... But I need you to know, that you're not nothing to me."

Blinking as your felt the rain starting to seep through your coat, Kylo continued on. "You're everything to me. And it may be too late to notice that, but you are. You are. Y/N, I never... I have never, ever felt for anyone the way I feel for you."

"And what might that be?" You asked as Kylo took in a shaky breath. After so long of wanting to confess it, his heart slammed to a halt as his stomach turned. He was suddenly tongue tied and his words got caught in his throat. "Really, Kylo? Silence, again? You build up to something and have absolutely no follow up? I don't know why I'm wasting my time." Shaking your head and turning on your heel, Kylo watched in horror.

Reaching out and taking a few steps forward, Kylo forced his words out faster than he could even blink. "Please! I'm in love with you!"

Stopping in your tracks as your heart skipped a beat, your eyes widened. He couldn't toy with you nor your heart. You weren't going to let him do that again! You already suffered once—and you still were recovering. He had no right to pull that on you.

"Don't you dare toss the word love around as if it's a damn ball." You furiously spoke as you turned, pointing your index finger at Kylo as his heart began to race. "Don't say you love me when you don't mean it! I gave you your chance and you blew it!" You exclaimed. "I told you I had fallen in love and you stood quiet and left me with a broken heart and I can not stand here—"

Rushing up to you, Kylo lifted you by your waist as his lips crashed against your own, causing your eyes to widen as he held you above him. You were so close to shoving him back, to smacking him away, but you melted right into him. Almost as if all your anger liquified with it. "Don't stand, let me hold you." He said against your lips, now looking you in the eyes as you hadn't realized you had tears—and so did Kylo. "Let me hold you forever, please."


"I love you, Y/N. I love you so fucking much. So much. I do. And I've never, ever felt anything like it." He confessed as your heart fluttered. "I just— I cant say it enough. I need you to know. I need you to know that I do. That I love you."

Hearing the sincerity in his tone and seeing it in his eyes, your hands held onto his shoulders as you leaned back enough to look down at him.

"I know this is love. It must be. It has to be. My heart, it feels so heavy. It races whenever I see, hear, or even think about you. Y/N, fuck... I just— Please, come home!" He begged as you looked down at him with lightly narrowed eyebrows. "Come back to me. Let me love you the way I should've loved you before. Let me learn how to love, through you."

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