Underworld Beasts

Start from the beginning

He, then, takes the lead, making a motion with his hand for me to stay behind him, like he suspected something would happen, and wouldn't you know it? Something did. It started with a low rumble, which gradually turned into a mini earthquake as enormous paws beat down on the earth, causing me to lose my balance and stumble a bit. When a large figure emerges, I felt my stomach drop upon seeing the size of the body covered in mangled, grey fur, though its features did contribute to the reaction as well. The most prominent being its three doglike heads, which look different in their own, drastic ways. One is bare of all flesh, leaving only a skull with big, brown eyes left in the sockets; the middle head has no fur or outer skin, but visible muscle, which was admittedly more disturbing to look at than the skeletal head; while the last one simply resembles the head of a pit bull with slightly longer hair. The beast opens their maws of large teeth, revealing their pink tongues, which leak buckets worth of slobber. While I silently panicked, Phil stayed calm even when it reached us and attempted to trap me in the middle one's jaws. Before it could bite, however, the demon acted quickly, sending one strong punch to the center one's chin, snapping its mouth shut and sending it a step back. The creature whimpers softly and shakes its middle head before all six eyes focus in on the seven-foot-tall figure of my companion. In an instant, all malice vanished as the pooch wags its tail excitedly, as though it hadn't just been attacked by him. I'm left speechless as their tongues give the man plentiful licks, dousing him almost entirely in slobber. I nearly let out a giggle as he gave a disgusted look while wiping the saliva off his face and spitting out whatever had accidentally ended up in his mouth. Meanwhile the large canine sits as though it were waiting to be gifted a treat. Giving a huff, Phil smooths back his hair, which is now soaking wet, before attempting to fix his small beard with his fingers.

"Hello, Cerberus," he greets, sounding mildly annoyed though he wore a genuine grin. He, then, walks up to the head with fur, which lowers to the ground to receive affectionate scratches between the eyes. "Who's a good boy?" All three pant happily as they try to get equal attention from the man, which I found cute after the shock wore off.

"I didn't take you for a dog guy," I comment, causing Phil to turn his head towards me. He smiles and beckons me closer with a finger, and though I was hesitant, I comply.

"I wouldn't say I am, really," he starts while taking my hand. I cringe at the wetness of it, but said nothing and did my best to ignore the goopy sensation. "I don't care for animals in general, to be honest. Most are uncomfortable with the energy I put off, which cannot be helped." I understood what he meant.

He does radiate this powerful and intimidating aura, but over time, I grew accustomed to it. Thinking back, I do recall that one time when he frightened a dog on my way home from work simply by walking past it, and the wolves that prowl the front gardens of the castle seemed weary of him as well. How come this one isn't bothered by him? I flinch when Cerberus growls as me, but they soon silence in response to Phil's warning stare as he lifts my hand to touch them. My fingers are met with smooth bone as my palm is placed upon the skeletal head in the same place he had pet the other one.

Cautiously, I move the hand up and down and smile when the dog's tail wags. A moment later, I find myself just as drenched as Phil when they all decide to lick me too. This makes the demon laugh heartily. "Cerberus is one of the castle's oldest residents, and Lucifer is extremely fond of him, so he's often be found in the throne room. I figured it'd be a good idea for you to meet him so he can know your presence. It'll make it less likely for him to eat you."

"Well, I certainly wouldn't want that." I force out a nervous laugh, but smile as I scratch the neck of the pit-bull-headed one, causing his back paw to thump repeatedly against the ground. "I suppose he is cute, though, for a demon dog." Phil nods in agreement, wearing a lovely smile as he admires me. It's like he's glad to see me interacting with things in his world, which makes sense. I do appear to be warming up to things quickly.

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