Chapter Ten!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The grubby, smelly Chad look-a-like let out a deep, disgusting laugh. His grin was filled with crooked teeth, his one blue eye gleamed dangerously. "This is who Nico fears most, it alway has been, always will be."

Nico chose that moment to wake up. His eyes snapped open,instantly finding the figure that haunted his memories. Letting out a pathetic whimper, he pushed himself away from the two-eyed man. His limbs throbbed painfully, but fear overwelmed him to the point where he almost didn't feel the pain. Almost.

He only stopped scooting backwards when he felt his back press against a pair of legs. Looking up, he stared into the sea-green eyes of his cousin. He looked around, noticing the others as well. Relief flooded Nico's chest; they were here to save him! Tears flowed down his cheeks, a small relieved smile on his face.

"Percy..." His voice was coarse and raw. Percy scooped him up off the floor and handed him to Frank. Nico whimpered at being separated from his cousin. "Percy..." he repeated.

"Ssh..." Percy shushed him, patting his hair softly to sooth the tortured son of Hades. "It's alright. We're going home, okay?"

Nico nodded, huddling into Frank's chest in fear as the spine-tingling laugh erupted from Chad's mouth. "You really think you're going to get out of here? That's rich!"

Percy turned his attention away from Nico, facing the Chad look-a-like with Riptide in hand. His teeth clenched, his eyes gleamed with pure rage. "You're what made Nico like this," he jestured to his cousin's shaking form. "After all of the progress he made... He has to start recovering all over again! And he won't recover until you no longer exist... He's going to recover, I'll make sure of it."


The fight didn't last very long. Chad was only a mortal, after all. Even though it wasn't really Chad, his fighting skills were still that of a drunk, overwieght man. Within no time at all, Riptide was buried down to the hilt in the Chad look-a-like's stomach. After muttering some language that was definately NOT PG13, therefore I can't write them in this story, he turned to dust and fell to the ground.

Percy recapped Riptide, putting his beloved sword back in his pocket before returning to Nico's side. Hazel had her brother's head in her lap, gently humming to him as she tried (and failed) to keep tears of both relief and sorrow from flowing down her cheeks. Nico seemed a lot more at ease, as if he could feel the pressence of his fears dissappear.

Percy knelt down next to the two children of the Underworld. He looked at Hazel, his eyes asking for permition. Hazel nodded and Percy, as gently as he could, lifted the increadably light boy into his arms. Nico iinstantly snuggled into the warmth that his cousin provided, sighing contenly.

The son of Posiodon looked to his friends, a small, releived smil graced his lips. They had found what they were looking for.


Yes, I know, it's very short, and because of the amount of time it took to finish this, you all probably thought it was going to be huge. Sorry if it dissapoints you. But! the story is almost over!!!! *GASP* I know, I know, I'm kind of sad about it too, but at the same time, I'm really excited!!! This will be the first story that I actually finish!!!!!! and it's all because of your compliments and support. I love hearing how the story affects your emotions. It lets me know that I'm doing something right.


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Love you all!!!!


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