Chapter Three!!

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The sun was just beginning to peak out from behind the trees, flooding the camp with a warm, orangey glow. Percy made his way to the Hades cabin, just to make sure that the pale boy didn't have any nightmares. He knocked on the door loudly.

"Nico!" he called, "Nico, you in there?"

There was no answer. Percy tried again.

"Nico!! Come on, dude! It's almost time for breafast!"

Still no answer.

This worried Percy to no end. Was Nico in trouble? Did he start hurting himself again? Was Nico even in there? All these thoughts swimmed in the Sea God's child's head as he started pushing at the door, trying to get in.

He kicked it, he slammed his shoulder into it, until it violently swung open.

Percy's jaw hit the floor. There, on the ground, was Nico, shirtless and uncounsious with a gash in his head. Percy ran to Nico's side, checking his pulse and determining he was alive. His eyes scowered the room until he found the blood caked on the courner of a tiny dresser close by.

The green-eyed boy scooped up the smaller boy, surprised at how light he was. He ran from the cabin as fast as he could, heading for the Big House. The campers that were awake at this hour looked at him both curiously and worriedly. Most tried to greet him, ask him what happened, or something like that, but Percy ignorred them all. He needed to get Nico to the Big House, and fast.

"Chiron!! Chiron!!! Nico needs help!!!"


Hazel had been informed of Nico's condition through IM (Iris Message) and she and Frank had made their way to the Greek camp as fast as they could. They took Arian (much to Frank's dismay) and arived ten seconds after they reseaved the message.

The daughter of Pluto seemed to be drowning in guilt, her eyes tearing up when she saw her brother. They had gotten him to drink a safe amount of nectar, but he still would not wake up. Chiron concluded that he was stuck in his subcouncious, meaning, he was in a coma.

All were at a loss of what to do. The other campers had been informed of Nico's condition, and of course, Grover, Leo, Piper, Jason, and Annabeth had come running to the hospital wing as fast as they could.

Everyone in camp was asked to give suggestions on what they think could get Nico to wake up. The Stoll brothers spent ten minutes banging every loud object they could in Nico's ears, some children from the Hecate cabin tried using spells, the Hephestus kids tried making a state-of-the-art alarm clock, but nothing worked. That is, until some kid from the Hypnos cabin showed up.

He examined Nico's sleeping body carefully, lifting up his arm, checkin his pulse, opening his eye-lid and shining a light in his dark eye. Finally, after flicking Nico's nose, the Hypnos child yawned tiredly, nodding his head.

"He's in a trance." he explained, blinking slowly. "The only way to get him out is from the inside."

Jason scratched his head. "You mean, like... his dreams?"

The tired boy nodded, "I can send you in there, but with his past, his dreams could be a dangerous place."

Percy stepped forward. "We don't care. Send us in."

"All of you?"

Percy looked to his friends. Jason, Piper and Leo nodded, along with Annabeth, Frank and Hazel. Chiron shook his head. "I, obviously, am unable to acompany you all, unfortunatly. Besides, it looks like you have more than enough people attending this little 'quest'."

The seven nodded, completly agreeing. They turned to the child of Hypnos. "We're ready."

"Alright then," he cracked his knuckles, "Why don't you sit down, make yourselves comfortable, and go to sleep."

They all did as was instructed.


I think I'm improving in my writing skills! yay!


For all you people that are reading this story, and I know that there aren't a lot of you at the moment, please suggest this to your Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo loving friends!!!! I'm really trying to get this story on a roll, but no one seems interested!

It really motivates me to read your comments, so please tell me what you think!!!

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I cannot stress this enough, I NEED MORE FOLLOWERS!!!! If you like my story, don't be shy! follow me! if you like this story, but want more Percy Jackson stories on my page, then tell me and I'll write it!!!!!!!

And PLEASE don't ignore the Author's notes people, I write them for a reason!


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