Chapter six!!!

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Sorry, but I think I am incapable of writing long chapters lol

But anyways, enjoy!!!


He was alone. He found it odd that he was always cold when he was alone. Not that he minded cold on its own, but when the cause of the lack of warmth was loneliness, he dispised the cold with all his heart. It was a constant reminder that no one was there. The only thing he had to keep him warm, was the stream of blood leaking from his arms, coating them like a thick blanket. His blood was protecting him, the completely insane thought made Nico smile.

He laughed suddenly, tears of sorrow and pain leaking down his face. He didn't know why he was laughing so hard, when he felt so horrible. He just couldn't stop himself.

'I've gone insane...'

his tears flowed faster at this thought. He continued on, shuffling along the floor in front of him. His eyes were, once again, surrounded by dark circles. If you looked behond those dark rings, you would see the dark eyes that held madness within. He looked completely and utterly broken, like he could never be put back together.

He hugged himself, digging his fingers into his already bloody arms, stumbling once again and falling to his knees.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome,"

A voice spoke in his mind, "You keep walking these halls, and you'll lose yourself completely."

"Shut up," he ordered the voice, who chuckled in responce.

"I only speek the truth, Nico. Just lie here for a while, what would it hurt?"

"I said to shut up,"

"Do you really think that you can find your way out of here? This isn't the first time we've spoken, and it surtainly isn't the first time your fear has dragged you in here."

Nico laughed bitterly. "Well what else am I suppose to do? Wait around for something to happen? Wait for them to come and torment me? I need to keep moving."

The voice sighed, "Very well, if you wish to succomb to insanity, be my guest." With that, the voice went silent. Nico stumbled back to his feet, the flicker of madness died in his eyes and was replaced with deturmination. He wouldn't let his fears catch up to him, he would keep moving, with his head held high, and his blood on his arms.




"Where are you!?"

Annabeth sighed, this was getting no where, fast. They had been running for what seemed like hours, yet they hadn't seen a glimps of Nico anywhere. Where was he?

"Nico, can you hear me!?" Tears streamed down Hazel's dark cheeks like waterfalls, trickling down to her chin and dripping onto her shirt, but she didn't care. All she cared about was her big brother. She just wanted to see him, to hold him and cry, then to punch him in the nose for making her worry so much.

She remembered the progress he had made. He would smile and make conversation, even laugh occasionally. Hazel loved his smile, but she loved his growing affection towards her even more. After his confession of hurting himself, he tried to be more open with everyone. He promised her that he would get better, and he did. She loved it when he would hug her at seemingly random times, telling her that he loved her and that she was the best little sister a son of Hades could ask for. Hazel would always laugh when he said that, and he would tell her he loved her laugh.

She missed him so much.


At least it's longer than the last chapter, :)

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