Entry 2 June 14, 2012

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Entry 2

June 14, 2012

        It has been two weeks since that day in the alley. I hadn't been out of my room in forever It hurt to think, to move, to breath. I felt everything. The types of things that normally Daleks don't feel. I was actually feeling. Daleks don't feel, all emotion is taken from us except hate. I didn't feel hate anymore, I felt all other emotions, and it hurt greatly.

        I heard the alarm go off, that alarm was the alarm to tell everyone that we were about to go into battle. I sighed loudly knowing that someone would be coming to come get me. I couldn't continue in battle anymore. Hearing those screams, knowing that they did nothing wrong, I can't take it.

        I slid out of my bed and made my way to my metal suit. I sighed once more let it close around me. I finally closed, and other Dalek entered my room.

"We are going into battle." it said.

        I didn't say anything to the other Dalek, but just moved to leave the room. I went to the control room. Daleks were all the over the place, getting ready to battle against an innocent planet. I hovered there just watching disgusted by what I was apart of. I no longer wanted to be apart from this. I decided no more, so I left, and I wasn't going to go back, never.

        I went on the planet below and hid. I wasn't going back, and I wasn't going to continue to be with them. I hid underground, in this base type thing. I let myself out of my cold metal cage. I hated that thing. I made myself a type of bed thing and slept. Trying to close out all the horrible screams that came from outside.

I do not own doctor who.

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