"Would we wanna bring a picnic?" Colton asked sitting across from me. I nodded. "Yeah. Or we could just get subway and bring a cooler and eat the subway down there as well." I suggested. "Yeah subway! I haven't had that in forever." Travis said excitedly. I chuckled. Jenna was too involved with her food that she didn't even hear us. I laughed a little and continued eating my food.


Two hours later we were now walking around the zoo. Jenna holding onto my hand and Travis holding onto Colton's. "Let's go see the Hippos!" Jenna said happily. "To the hippos then." I said. It wasn't that hot out today. It was probably around 80° out, which wasn't that bad. It was partly cloudy but I don't think it will rain until later on tonight.

"They're so big." Jenna said. As she looked threw the glass. Travis was by her side looking at the hippos as well. "Colton Matthews." I heard someone say. Colton turned around and his smiled dropped. "Ryder Jacobs." He said threw clenched teeth. I'm taking it that he doesn't like Ryder. "Hey Taylor." Ryder smiled at me giving me a hug. I hugged him back but heard a cough making me let go of Ryder. Colton looked to make sure the kids weren't paying attention and thankfully they weren't.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Colton hissed. He really didn't like him. My question is why didn't he like him?

"What I can't come to the Zoo on a lovely day with my sister? Or is that against the law?" Ryder said. If looks could kill I think they would both be dead. A girl came up beside him and tugged his arm. "Let's go to the penguins." She said looking up at him. She did look like him. The girl had long brown hair, as well as brown eyes, Olive skin, and had to be around ten years old.

"Let's go to the penguins then. Taylor, it was nice seeing you again. Colton...." He dragged off but left. "Again?" Colton asked turning to me.

I nodded my head "Yeah. I don't know why you hate him so much. He's a nice guy." I said grabbing my hold back to Jenna's hand as Colton held Travis's. "Taylor, Ryder is anything but nice. He will trick you, he will hurt you, and he will kill you if he wants to." Colton said. I rolled my eyes. "I think you're just jealous." I said. I knew Ryder couldn't do that to someone, so I came up with one reason why Colton doesn't want me around him.

"Jealous? Please, Taylor. I am not jealous." He scoffed. I rolled my eyes. He's totally jealous.

We made our way around the zoo and stopped by the elephants. "Can we go touch the stingrays?" Travis asked. I smiled and nodded. "Sure let's go touch the stingrays." I said. I'm guessing he didn't like elephants since we were only there for a second.

We reached the stingrays and we waited in line to pay for our tickets. They only cost $5 each so it was only $20 for us all which isn't as bad as you think it is. "This is so cool!" Travis said running up to the Stingrays. "Careful Travis, you don't want to fall in." I said. "Do they sting when you touch them?" Jenna asked. I shook my head no "No, I belive that someone took their stingers out so when you touch them they won't sting you. So you are good." I said. Jenna smiled and nodded her head. "This is so cool!" Travis said again. "C'mon Taylor put your hand in the water and touch them, they feel so weird but cool at the same time." Travis said. I nodded and went by Travis's side. I bent down and put my hand in the water. Then something Slimy? rubbed against my hand. I screatched but it was cool.

I decided to snap a picture of the two kids and send it to thier mom, because I am sure that their mom would love to see them out side the house and having fun. After I sent the picture I looked at the time and it was already 12:30. Wow time sure does fly. "Kids. You wanna eat lunch?" I asked them after ten minutes of feeling the stingrays. They nodded. "Yeah I am getting a bit hungry." "Alright lets go eat lunch then."


Later that night me, the kids and Colton were watching Frozen. "LET IT GO, LET IT GO!" Jenna screamed. I chuckled. I am guessing Frozen is her favorite movie. Soon I heard a vibrate. Colton reached into his pocket and pulled it out. "Crap." He muttered getting up. "What do you want?" He said harshly while walking into the kitchen. "Kids i'll pause the movie, why don't you two go get ready for bed. It's almost bed time." I said. I also wanted to know who was on that phone and why Colton seemed so angry. Jenna sighed but got up. I paused the movie and watched the kids go up stairs to get ready for bed. "You leave her the hell alone. She has nothing to do with any of this!" Colton yelled. I walked over and peaked threw the door. "You touch her you die, understood?" Colton said hanging up. He ran a hand threw his hair and looked up. His face had shock written all over it. "I am assuming that her is me. Why am I in danger?" I asked. "Your not in danger Taylor if you stay away from me and Ryder." He said brushing past me.


So I am so sorry again for the long chapter. I keep telling my self that it would be a short chapter but apparently that didn't happen. It's almost 2,000 words long. That is a lot of words. lol.

But I hope you guys like it because I am not a fan of it. The next chapter wont be up for awhile because I dont know what I am going to put in it yet... :/ But until then:

Read, Comment, and Vote :)

Oh and why do you think Taylor is now suddendly in danger??? You will find out later on! hehe.

Thanks for reading.

Meg :)

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